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Old 10-19-04, 05:27 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul-2002
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Which Rosy Boas are Canadians Keeping?

I'm curiouse to see which Rosy Boas people are keeping and or breeding. It seems to me they are becoming more and more popular all the time. Especially for people that have a limited amount of space. They are small so they can live in a small cage, eat small food and are for the most part very docile.
I'm keeping,
1.1 Desert. These pics are almost a year old.

1.1 Bai of La Mid-Baja.

1.1 South Baja(mexican)

All of these except for the adult male Bay of La that's trying to eat my thumb came from Uncle Roy. The man eater came from Henry Pioron.
So, what Rosy Boas do you have?
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Old 10-19-04, 05:36 PM   #2
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I agree with you Trevor. Rosy boas are great snakes to keep and I can see these snakes getting more popular in Canada.

I have three pairs right now.
Mexicans, deserts and San Gabriels.

Hoping that my next pair will be Limburgs once Roy breeds them.
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Old 10-19-04, 05:39 PM   #3
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I have never much liked Rosy Boas....I have never even held one either.

But I must say I like the Mid Baja. That's a really nice looking snake.

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Old 10-20-04, 12:52 AM   #4
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Here's a few I'm working with

Above Anza Borregos(california coastal)

above and below San Gabriel Mountains(california coastal)

San Gabriel Mountains (california coastal)

I produced these for the first time this year. They are one of the most naturally orange US rosy boas.(they are not albinos) The coloration is thought to be an adaptation to blend with dead Pine needles. Even the belly is speckled with bright orange

Bahia de Los Angeles(mid Baja)

South Baja Trivs

Little San Bernardino (this pair produced a hypo baby in 03 and 2 in 04)

two photos above..San Mateus Pass Boas (mid Baja, outside San Felipe)

Albino Coastal(Limburg strain)(hopefully I will produce these next year) A more recently available Albino rosy. Believed to be a true albino coastal,they differ from the whitewaters only slightly in appearance by having traditional pink albino eyes, where whitewaters have dark eyes. They can reportedly reach four feet, much bigger than whitewater canyons which are considered coastal/desert intergrades
Uncle Roy
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Last edited by Stockwell; 10-20-04 at 01:15 AM..
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Old 10-20-04, 02:04 AM   #5
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Hey Trevor, just curious if your man eater you got from Henry has two different colored eyes? I traded him one nasty rosy a while ago with a silver eye on one side and gold on the other! Was a gorgeous snake but man it would rather bite you than look at you LOL!!!

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Old 10-20-04, 12:29 PM   #6
Join Date: Jul-2002
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Outstanding Roy!
Dave, nope two normal eyes.
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