Years ago when I was breeding the Ornate species, I always found that a bare bottom tank was the simplest and indeed safest for the frogs. Just tip the tank on enough of an angle to provide about an inch of water at one end. They need scrupulously clean (de-chlorinated) water to remain healthy. A layer of damp peat moss looks good but I had problems with the frogs ingesting it with their food, sometimes leading to dire consequences. However, this can be somewhat alleviated if you are willing to feed your frog by hand. Careful also of overfeeding, an overweight frog is an unhealthy frog. Weekly feedings for adults are usually sufficient.
:eb: Scotty Allen :eb:
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." -- Leonardo Da Vinci