Guess what!?!?!?!
I left a bunch of mice fuzzies on the shore for my caiman last night and when I woke up a few minutes ago I discovered he had gobbled them up!!!!
I'm soooooo happy he is finally eating on his own!!!
That was the best surprise!!!

All that was left was a toastd head he had kicked underneath the heat lamp lol. When I went in to remove it and one other lil piece stuck to the wood he didn't hiss or anything, he just sorta watched me lol. Was really cute! I'm glad he finally has a full belly on his own.
Now one thing I want to address is what looks like some type of bacteria he has on him. When I got him he had a sort of brownish stuff inside his mouth, I don't know what it is so I figured I would wait till I got him eating to check into it further because I didn't want to stress him. It almost looks like a stain but I rubbed it with a Q-tip and some warm water and it did not come off.
So what is it exactly and how do I get rid of it so he can have pearly whites?
There is one more thing I would like to discuss also, I'll post on it when I get help with his dirty mouth.