Hi Everybody,
My name is Jordan, and i'm a boy with two pet snakes. I have a Brazilian Rainbow Boa and a Bahia De Los Angeles Rosy Boa, both about 2 years old and females. I live in San Francisco and I work as an assistant animal care specialist at a herp shelter. It is an organization that takes in abandoned and unwanted reptiles and amphibians and cares for them, but also takes them out on educational programs to teach kids about reptiles and amphibians and the problems that can arise from keeping them as pets. We have roughly 60 herps at the building, including 3 iguanas, a prehensile tailed skink, numerous boas, 2 large burms, tokays, giant days, pac man frogs, kingsnakes, milksnakes, gophersnakes, bumblebee walking toads, numerous other frogs and toads, beardies, turtles, etc. That's pretty much all I can think of right now but that's me!

Feel free to ask questions or anything like that, and tell me about yourselves! Thanks so much, Jordan