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Old 07-11-04, 08:53 PM   #1
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Escaped then saw a female


Just about 2 days ago, i came home and saw my male on top of my female mating.......He some how got into the female's encloure. I was suprised that they didnt fight or have any bite marks.

This happened all by an accident, and now I got a gravid female, well I think. She is ever so slowly turning brownish, orangish, blackish colour, which is a sign of being gravid. So i have read all the breeding and care of the female all over again and again. I would have perfered her just laying unfertile eggs at first, but what can you do now. I am working on setting up the incubators and a egg laying spot. Starting to feed her a lot more. So i am expecting eggs with in a month. Wish me luck, hope everything turns out. Im probly gonna run into problems and gonna need some help.

Now for questions:
1. How long should mating periods be?Iive read that you should leave them in for a day or so, and not disturb them until the female starts to show agression(sp?) Any idea on this?

2. What temperature has worked for you incubating the eggs??? Im going to make my own.

3. Will the temperature of the incubation decide on the sex. ex; higher temps will most likly be male and lower temps most likly be female, or is this not true?

4. Amount of dusting, do i dust everyday??? Some sheets are telling me different things.

5. Around what time will i be expecting them to hatch, or will i be???

Thanks a alot guys

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
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Old 07-12-04, 11:15 AM   #2
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ok sounds great now to answer some questions best I can.

1. Ther mating period is as long as the female wants it to be really. Usually about a week sometimes more. Its not really recomended to keep them together unsupervised as they could start getting pretty rough. So I myself would not have them together unless I was there watching. ( kinda dirty but you got to do what you got to do) lol

2. I beleave the temps are around the high 70's, You may want to check with others on that. lol

3.yes temp does matter on sex of younge.

4. I use a very light calcium dusting everyday. and a light dusting of multi vit every second day.

5. For Nosy be panther i beleave the incubation time is around 100 - 120 days depending on incubation temps.

hope my information was acurate and you have fun with your babies
good luck
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Old 07-12-04, 04:38 PM   #3
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It never ceases to amaze me about the misinformation being given out on these forums! I really do sit and wonder sometimes.

Meow: HERE are the proper answers. PM me or Collide if you need more information.

1: You are correct Meow. Keep your eye on them while mating and remove the male when she shows aggression towards him. This may be a week... it may be a day. Never leave them unattended.

2: Room temperature is fine. Keep the eggs on moist vermiculite in a small rubbermaid container in a dark closet for the duration.

3: Not true! Temperatures do not affect the sex of chameleons.

4: I tend to supplement 3 times a week for my gravid females. Calcium only.

5: 9-12 months is average incubation time for F. pardalis chameleons.

Good luck with any eggs!

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Old 07-12-04, 06:41 PM   #4
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Thank that cleared things up for me collide suggested me some book and i will be getting them soon, ill let you guys know if i need mroe help thanks a lot

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Old 07-14-04, 12:51 AM   #5
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I think you should really look into securing your cages a bit better. Out of his own cage and into another? Sheesh. In the case of my limited experience, if there's a way out, the chameleon will find it and take advantage of it until you fix the problem.
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Old 07-14-04, 01:04 AM   #6
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I also tend to mist down teh females alittle more during this time aswell as alot more right after the eggs are laid. This is something you might already know or plan on doing just thought I would toss it out there for ya

Good luck on the eggs.
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Old 07-14-04, 11:54 AM   #7
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thanks, ya i fixed the escape hole haha, chameleons are smarter then you think, but can be very dumb sometimes

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
0.1 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Jackson Chameleon
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