1/4 plexi or acrylic is pretty strong, if a snake is strong enough to get it to moove, he would definitively be strong enough to get a glass to break wich could be verry harmfull. I personnally feel more secure with acrylic, at least if a snake escape(wich i really doubt , i have lot of cages with acrylic window and never had any escape) he wont get hurt. i guess thats just a personnal preference! by the way those cages really look nice! for the color black cages look really nice, especially with a neon inside. it depends on youre need too, i you have a 100 snakes and dont want to have to light every single cage and dont whant to have to open every cage with a flash light to see if theres snake poop inside, white would be the best choice!
Last edited by boa_Jay; 08-15-04 at 05:33 PM..