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Old 05-06-04, 07:29 AM   #1
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Question on reptiles used for Stud service?

What is the general opinion on this case scenerio:

you gave out a high quality, proven male breeder for a sum of money ( instead of eggs ).

but after a couple of months, the females have not produced eggs....the reasons could be endless, from the females not being receptive, or able, too late in breeding season, not compatable, whichever.

You are wanting your stud back since it doesn't seem like he is able to perform his service.

Do you return the money, even though there's never any guarentee that a stud will perform? Or what would you do?


2nd Question:

what are the general guidelines for using someone elses reptile for a stud service? What is the payment usually? Any pointers on what to do as someone lending a stud, or as someone recieving a stud?

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Old 05-06-04, 02:24 PM   #2
Corey Woods
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Most breeding loans work as follows:

If the snakes are of equal value you split the litter 50/50

If one snake is of higher value you split the litter 67/33.

If their is an odd number of offspring you give the odd one out to the person breeding the animals.

For a breeding loan to work you really have to trust each other. Otherwise one party feels like they are getting screwed. It is easier to setup a breeding loan with splitting offspring as that way if no offspring are produced you both get nothing.
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Old 05-06-04, 02:26 PM   #3
Corey Woods
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Most breeding loans work as follows:

If the snakes are of equal value you split the litter 50/50

If one snake is of higher value you split the litter 67/33.

If their is an odd number of offspring you give the odd one out to the person breeding the animals.

For a breeding loan to work you really have to trust each other. Otherwise one party feels like they are getting screwed. It is easier to setup a breeding loan with splitting offspring as that way if no offspring are produced you both get nothing.

As for your case above since you guys setting on a sum of money I was say that since the money was paid out and the person did get what they paid for (a breeder animal) I would say that the money should NOT be returned. A breeder animal was provided and as far as that animal goes he did his job (breed the females). If the females decided not to produce that is upto the females.

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Old 05-06-04, 08:59 PM   #4
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Though I am yet to lend out or breed in other people's reptiles, I plan on writing up a contract covering EVERY possible situation to avoid any awkward situations. However your situation is one that I never thought of. I agree with Corey, the male was lent out, unless it was mentioned beforehand, the money is yours.
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Old 05-07-04, 07:07 AM   #5
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Thanks guys. I agree on the contract idea.

- the male I lent out is proven, I have 11 eggies incubating from him, that is why I felt comfortable providing him, because I knew he should do the job.

- species in question is leopard gecko.

- reason for $ and not eggs, they only lay 1-2 eggs at a time. So I didn't feel it was fair to say well I want half the eggs. Whats the point then. So a sum of money was agreed upon.
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