Yup, there's a UTH on the right side under the jewel box and clay bowl on the right. The helix is set to keep it 88.5 right at the bottom of the substrate and it seems to be about 80 at the top of the substrate in the warm end. The ambient air temp is about 22 celsius.
He seems to be settling in nicely, likes his new hides. I'm avoiding bugging him at all except for periodic checks to make sure he's still in the case. Even with the narrow slits in the cage cover, I figure it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to those little escape artists
I picked up a nice little digital scale at wal-mart to keep track of his growth. Next in line is a microscope for doing exams
Sounds like a lot of expense for two garters and a corn

but I want to get into good husbandry habits while the collection is still small.
I've still got images of the rhino rat, and the childreni running through my head. Awesome little creatures.
Now if I could just figure out if my female garter is pregnant. She seemed to put on some tail end weight over the last week, but now it looks like she's completely normal again. Argh!