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Old 04-05-04, 10:43 PM   #1
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Housing for my little corn

The newest addition to the family has his choice of hides, and is currently esconced in the jewelry box in the corner. So far it seems to be his favorite spot. I'll post a pic of him in a couple of days, once he's settled in. He already scarfed down his first meal enthusiastically

I'd like to remove the tape used to hold the heat probe and wire in place. Any suggestions? I don't want to leave it hanging free.
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Old 04-05-04, 10:57 PM   #2
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I'd take the tape off, maybe put a dab of hot glue to hold it down? Unless that could melt the wire.... Sorry i cant help much about that but the tank looks good and good luck with the corn
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Old 04-06-04, 06:42 AM   #3
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I like the set up and all~
please do remove the tape as it can get tangled and it wont be fun removing the tape from it (plus it's already stressed moving to a new environment)

Using an under tank heater on those boxes would be good (just make sure that the under tank heater doesn't over heat and melt the container....or something like that.

I am glad that the little one has taken down a meal for you already. Just hope that it doesn't regurgitate it out again ( be honest...I doubt that it's been taking down food items as if they were nothing....but just incase...)

Let me see some shots of him when he has settled down.
If I remember correctly he's quite a jumpy one too~~

Enjoy the new family member and please remember to keep me updated with him~
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Old 04-06-04, 10:33 AM   #4
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Yup, there's a UTH on the right side under the jewel box and clay bowl on the right. The helix is set to keep it 88.5 right at the bottom of the substrate and it seems to be about 80 at the top of the substrate in the warm end. The ambient air temp is about 22 celsius.

He seems to be settling in nicely, likes his new hides. I'm avoiding bugging him at all except for periodic checks to make sure he's still in the case. Even with the narrow slits in the cage cover, I figure it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to those little escape artists

I picked up a nice little digital scale at wal-mart to keep track of his growth. Next in line is a microscope for doing exams

Sounds like a lot of expense for two garters and a corn but I want to get into good husbandry habits while the collection is still small.

I've still got images of the rhino rat, and the childreni running through my head. Awesome little creatures.

Now if I could just figure out if my female garter is pregnant. She seemed to put on some tail end weight over the last week, but now it looks like she's completely normal again. Argh!
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Old 04-06-04, 02:48 PM   #5
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Well to be honest, keeping a scale and a microscope for just 1.1 garters and 1.0 corn might sound a bit too much but least you're providing excellent care for them. So don't mind what others say about you. As long as you're happy and that the snakes are being care of nicely then who cares right?

LOL....I guess you really like the children and the rhino rats a lot~
I am gald that you do. You can always come back and take a look at them if you want. I don't mind~

Hope that your garter is going to be pregnant for you. Hope last week's lump wasn't just

Good luck with the little one!
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Old 04-06-04, 04:49 PM   #6
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The scale and microscope will have other uses as well. With the rat-breeding setup I'd like to be able to monitor their weight and health as well, and try to produce feeders that are healthy and have good body mass.

Plus as soon as we move out of the apartment (1 to 2 months) there will be a dedicated herp room in the works. More critters! Woot!
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Old 04-06-04, 04:59 PM   #7
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Uh oh.... looks like you got the disease!

Tammy Rehbein
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Old 04-06-04, 05:20 PM   #8
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I've had it for a while, but I moved around a lot with work and stuff for years (like probably close to 30 times since 1990 now) so it wasn't practical to have any pets.

Now I'm settling down and it's that time

Now I have to do the math on how many frozen rodents fits in a large freezer chest
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