I got this from this website.
Here is the breakdown for double het to double het.
Out of a litter of 16:
1 normal
2 het anery
1 anery
2 hypo
4 hypo het anery
1 super hypo
2 super het hypo
2 hypo anery (ghost)
1 super hypo anery (super ghost)
Since you can�t tell a normal from a het, all normal looking offspring are considered possible het anery. Since you can�t tell a hypo from a super hypo in boas, all hypo looking animals have the potential to completely dominant hypos. All these animals should also be considered possible het for anery. The ghosts in the litter are also possible dominant ghosts.
So the real breakdown for double to double is:
Possible het anery
Possible dominant hypos possible het anery
Possible dominant (super) ghosts