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Old 03-22-04, 12:06 PM   #1
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stupid but i couldn't remember where to ask about anacondas any ways, do ancondas eat monkeys in their natural habitats. there is a kid in my class trying to tell me that in the the MOVIE Anaconda that the anaconda jumps out of the water into the trees and eats a monkey. also do anaconas live in forests? i feel kinda stupid asking these questions but oh well
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Old 03-22-04, 12:45 PM   #2
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To look for anaconda info look in the boa fourm,as far as i know anaconda,s do not eat monkeys,i think they would be a bit of a small prey item,mabye for a small conda,and are you asking about the enviroment of a Yellow or Green anaconda?South america is their origin.
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Old 03-22-04, 12:56 PM   #3
Hamster of Borg
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Anacondas, like most snakes, are opportunistic feeders. They're also like most predators and would rather take an easy-to-catch meal than go to extra work for one. Monkeys are generally hard to catch, and too small to be much of a meal for a large anaconda. Not really worth the effort. Seems to me they'd prefer to take things on the immediate shoreline or already in the water - like capybara and caiman. Not to say that they wouldn't grab a monkey if they had the chance - not likely that it would jump from the water to the trees though.

They range through much of South America, mainly in and around high vegetation areas of rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins and their tributaries.

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Old 03-22-04, 01:27 PM   #4
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That movie 'Anaconda' was pure fiction. They don't grow as large as the one in the movie by a long shot, and they don't behave that way either.
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Old 03-22-04, 02:15 PM   #5
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yep capybara is probably the main food source for anaconda
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Old 03-22-04, 02:36 PM   #6
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Don forget, if you watch Austin Stevens they eat a lot of people too. Plus, you need to know Gung-fu to catch them, with many months of upper strength training.
Beau Medlar

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