Lots of different turtles pictured here....and since I did not write down what was what when I was taking the photos at the Zoo, you can all play guess the turtle if you want. LOL. Or just enjoy the pics.
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/zoo/turtle.jpg">
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/zoo/turtle2.jpg">
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/zoo/turtle3.jpg">
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/zoo/turtle4.jpg">
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/zoo/turtles.jpg">
The Zoo has lots of different turtle species! There was a few more I can't name right now, plenty of Painteds and more I am sure I missed.