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Old 03-13-04, 07:53 AM   #1
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Lightbulb Suggestion: Breeders Directory-Species Specific

I was thinking about this yesterday. It would be nice to have a section on the site where people could go to find out which breeders are selling what species. So if I was looking for an ATB, or BRB, or whatever, I could simply go to a species directory, click on it and get a list of those people who are selling/breeding that particular species. you could go one step further and break it down by region. Breeders of all species could then simply post contact info and a quick list of species related animals, available or pending, into each mini forum and set it up for no replies,no prices, no breeder hype, no specials, no pictures... Just quick info. I think this would help out a lot of people narrow their search for a specific animal. I don't believe, this would take anything away from the current setup and it could help people network a little better on the species that interest them the most.


Species: Python General Discussion | Breeders | Joe Breeder, Contact Info, Region, Blood Pythons, Ball Pythons,Etc. , Available or Expected, Year

Species:Lampropeltis General Discussion | Breeders | Joe Breeder, Contact Info, Region, Kingsnakes, Corn Snakes, etc, Available or Expected, Year


Views? Opinions?

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Old 03-13-04, 11:58 AM   #2
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Or a species search button where if you type "Sinaloan" or "Burmese", the people who breed them will show up on the list. But then you'd need to get people to be honest about what they breed.

It has possibilities though.
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 03-13-04, 01:39 PM   #3
Scales Zoo
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I think that is a good idea, but it might be a tough one to manage.

On another site, a european varanid site, they have all of the species, and a list of names of people working with them, as well as what country those people are living in.

I've used that to find out information about the monitors we keep, or want to keep in the future.

Doing every species of lizards, snakes, tortoises etc... on the largest reptile forum in the world may be a bit difficult however, just by sheer size and volume of the resultant list.

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Old 03-13-04, 01:41 PM   #4
Scales Zoo
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Oh, and I moved this from the general forum to the forum, which was created for suggestions and questions, like this.

I left a re-direct from the general forum, so more people would see it, and it was easier to find for people rechecking it. Hope that will work.

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Old 03-13-04, 04:10 PM   #5
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Someone just has to do it and it will work. There wouldn't be a need to hunt people down. Breeders who want more business would voluntarily sign up.

Have 3 fields: species, country and province/state. Type in Honduran Milksnake, Canada, Manitoba and get X# of results.

Looks like you've got your work cut out for you, Jim. Could you have it done by Tuesday?
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 03-13-04, 09:56 PM   #6
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Ryan, no problem.

Tim, I agree. I can see it as simply installing a new directory for breeder listings in each of the current directory structures.

eg. one for Pythons, one for Lampro, one for Lizards, etc..

and then simply leave the species updates to the breeders who wish to list in the various applicable directories on a volunteer basis. Even a search engine would really not be needed. And I would love to moderate it... Tuesday, no problem, just let me get these calis fed..


Last edited by jwsporty; 03-13-04 at 10:00 PM..
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Old 03-13-04, 11:27 PM   #7
Scales Zoo
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I think it is a good idea, I will bring it up at the bi-weekly secret phone call between moderators, and see if flys.

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Old 03-13-04, 11:35 PM   #8
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Great idea!!! I'd love to see something like that!
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Old 03-14-04, 09:58 AM   #9
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That reminds me Ryan I changed my #.
I'm not sure how this might affect the personal classifieds forums. If I want my name and address listed in the ATB, Corn, BRB, Hog Isl, Colombian, etc etc forums what is it going to cost me?
Jeff provides free classifieds now for the members with the request of a donation for the larger breeders and then sells personal classifieds this would mean a third spot on the site where you could list and sell your animals.
I need more time to think about it.
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Old 03-14-04, 03:46 PM   #10
Scales Zoo
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Trevor, you changed your number without trading a green for a red jelly bean, did you not read your banana leaf that was sent out?

I wasn't thinking about this like a classifieds, but more a breeders directory that would let you know who had what species in your province, country or continent, so you could contact them asking questions about breeding, or trading a male for a female - stuff like that.

For example, say I want to buy a Stinking Goddess ratsnake. They are rare, and at present I only know of 1 person working with them (in Canada) There may be more, and with this, we could network with people working with other rare species.

I see the way you look at it, and I hadn't looked at it that way before, I understand what you are saying.

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Old 03-17-04, 11:17 PM   #11
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I think it is a great idea... the US market is so big with so many animals. We definitely need better organisation and make new contacts.

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Old 04-01-04, 08:22 AM   #12
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I think it is a great idea. It would help us all out to have a small directory.


Got Milks!
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