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Old 02-27-04, 08:40 AM   #1
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ok ! BRBs, no more tank..

Well... after a few debates about BRBs and aquariums VS rubbermaids, it's now time to join the popular world of rubbermaids

I was one that firmly beleived that I could keep BRBs in an aquarium for a long time, but it's now time to change my mind.

Allthough I firmly beleived in my opinion, I was allways opened minded enough to "listen" to my snakes needs and be ready to make any modifications in their keeping. It's now time.

I could keep on leaving them in a modified aquarium, but the size needed would be too big.

None of our snakes are in rubbermaids and if possible I'd like to ear your suggestions on an alternative. Keep in mind I know nothing about keeping snakes in closed or semi-closed environnements. I'm use to keep them in open top tanks, where I need to mist often, supply humid hide boxes, etc.. So I do know how to keep a good hygrometry and temperature in such enclosure, but not in closed cages or rubbermaids. It might look dumb for those who are use to do that since keeping snakes in rubbermaid is known to be easier, but for me it's a whole different ball game.

Do any of you keep your BRB in nice looking home made cages ?
If so, can you give me a detailed description of your setup and if you have any pics it would be even better.

My last option, rubbermaids..
For those who use this method, how strong of a heat pad do you need ? I imagine that in a close environement like a rubbermaid it's pretty easy to boil a snake.
Is high humidity bad ? can it cause scale rot ?
And do you keep a dry and humid side, if so... how do you do that ?


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Old 02-27-04, 08:55 AM   #2
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Some of the things you've said is why I'm actually considering selling my BRB's. For the first 18 months they were in Rubbermaids and I never got to see them unless I took them out.
Not I have them in tanks fliped on their sides with two humide hides and I still never see them they are always in their hides. The tanks do not hold humidity at all. I'm going to silicone some track in place and make the tanks sliding glass front. I hope that helps to keep in some humidity and they come out more often.
Right now they are about as exciting as my KSB's.
I do love them and probably wont sell them but I wont be getting anymore that's for sure. In the large scheme of things compared to other snakes they are a lot of work to keep.
I much prefer my small BCI's and Rosy Boas etc.
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Old 02-27-04, 09:09 AM   #3
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I know what you mean.. here our setup.. works well, humidity and temps are perfect. but it's alot of work and everytime I need to handle the snakes, I need to take them out their humid box, they get pretty cranky beause their pretty squeezed and I think they've had enough... I really need to find an easier way for me and for them.

It's too bad... I find that these are the most beautyfull snakes on the market, but we never get to see them.

Cornsnakes / JCP / Sinaloan Milk / BRB / Veiled / ATB / WLP / Crested Geckos / Uroplatus Henkeli / Vietnamese Cave gecko / Chinese Cave gecko *What's Available*

Last edited by wyz; 02-27-04 at 09:12 AM..
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Old 02-27-04, 09:15 AM   #4
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I wouldn't be using a heat lamp with BRB's. You can still use that tank but turn it onto it's side and go with under tank heat. BRB set ups should have to be that complicated.
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Old 02-27-04, 09:30 AM   #5
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Lets not start a debate on lamps and BRBs Is Invictus around ?? lol

I'm just showing this setup to show I'd like something that looks good instead of a rubbermaid. But one thing is for sure, this tank will be gone soon, I will modify their setup for sure. I'm looking for ideas.

Cornsnakes / JCP / Sinaloan Milk / BRB / Veiled / ATB / WLP / Crested Geckos / Uroplatus Henkeli / Vietnamese Cave gecko / Chinese Cave gecko *What's Available*
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Old 02-27-04, 09:30 AM   #6
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Even in a tank, maintaining humidity can be easy. The trick is, you have to restrict air flow. Once this is accomplished, put a plastic water dish right over top of a heat pad, and within hours, you'll have condensation on the sides of the tank. This is what I do, but with rubbermaids, and for my Macklotts, who also require very high ambient humidity.

For my Colombian rainbows I have a similar system, but I will be modifying it - custom built cage with sliding glass doors, 2 large water sources, one directly under the light in the cage. I don't have the light enclosed at the moment, so it causes a lot of evaporation throughout the whole cage - but a more focused heat source (enclosed light fixture or heat pad underneath) causes so much evaporation that your ambient humidity will get to around 90% and STAY there for a long time... the water will condense at the top and fall right back down on the moss, keeping it moist for weeks. I've tried this in my other enclosures which do have a focused heat source with great success.

As for how I'm modifying it going forward, I'm going to put an even bigger water source in, and put an aquarium heater in with it, enclosed in its own little cage so that the snakes don't make drect contact with it - Pretty much the same system used for incubators.

So there ya go... a FEW options for ya.
- Ken LePage
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Old 02-27-04, 11:05 AM   #7
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Yeah I keep my new BRB in a tank for now and just got a modified top so that I can keep humidity and the temps perfect. Just put the water bowl above at UTH and you should be okay. Ive kept bloods in tanks and have had no problems yet so its not that hard to use tanks if you dont mind spending some extra time getting things right for that viewing space.

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Old 02-27-04, 03:50 PM   #8
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Lets not start a debate on lamps and BRBs Is Invictus around
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Old 02-28-04, 01:37 PM   #9
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HAHAHAHA, I missed that comment. Very funny.
- Ken LePage
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