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Old 01-26-04, 07:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2003
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cuviers dwarf caiman

well..i thought long and hard and put preperation into and i finally bought my first croc...its a cuviers....its alittle baby..ive got him in a 10 gal 4 now..i just wanted to keeping his temperature at around 83 and his water at about this good?...hes eating well and is very active at nite....anything else i should know..ive done alot of research but there is always room for more info!!!

Arboreal Snakes of the Amazon'

Breeding Next Year
1.1 Spilotes pullatus
1.1 Corallus hortulanus

looking into amazon bird eating snakes too!!!!!
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Old 01-26-04, 10:17 PM   #2
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Sounds good to start him off. I would probably put it into a 20 long though. However, just keep it going like that and once it seems as if its all easy sailing, just upgrade the enclosure. Good luck with him.
Any pics yet?

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Old 01-28-04, 10:36 AM   #3
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you made a good choice there with the Paleosuchus palpebrosus (Cuvier's dwarf caiman) keep up the good work. And rember Reserch..Reserch..Reserch and just when you think you got the idea and you are starting to grasp it all pick up a new Book.

I could never get bord reading about Crocodilians.

The ReptiZone
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Old 01-29-04, 02:24 PM   #4
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thnx guys....i really wanted a croc and at first i wanted to rush in and get a spec..but i thought long and hard and just kept telling myself the extra 200$ would not only be a worth it the dwarf is much i took about a month of figuring out the room for the adultenclosure and other stuff like that and just got the caiman....i didnt want to end up like those ppl who get the croc and end up getting rid of keepin dis guy 4 lyfe..hes so cute and im prepared...but it is getting hard to dodge his bites...der so quick!!!!!
Arboreal Snakes of the Amazon'

Breeding Next Year
1.1 Spilotes pullatus
1.1 Corallus hortulanus

looking into amazon bird eating snakes too!!!!!
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Old 01-29-04, 03:02 PM   #5
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the trick is to not give them the chance to try and bite.
You shoud not be dogeing the bite they should be dogeing your hand to try and bite. LOL

Cause I will be honst with you they are not nicest out you can come across the odd one like bellydraggers little one. but they are more on trhe rare side and a % of the nice one out there are only nice cause they don't have the energy to do anythig els.

when you go to get your crocodilian especialy a caiman of any species. you need to be confident and see your self catching the animal B4 the animal see you coming. You are basicly amboushing it witch is verry stress full. Yes! and that is the reason behind why I tell ppl not to get crocodilians as a pet to handel and cuddle with.
(Not saying that this is why you got yours just speking in a general term)

the Minute you go to catch it and stop because you second guess your self drop what you are doign and leav the room caus now they are expecting it and some play posom and once you enter the point of no return you need rubing alcohol and band-aids caus they will nail you every time LOL. I know cause it hapend to me almost daily for the first week I was working with them.

OHH and don't be fool'ed what a Paleosuchus palpebrosus (Cuvier's dwarf caiman) lacks in size they make up for in speed and acuracy just a side note have fun with your new Addition.

give it beautyfull cage and take lot's of pic's then share them hear for ppl that are not as fortunate as you to have such a beautyfull animal.

The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron
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Old 02-01-04, 12:50 AM   #6
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but it is getting hard to dodge his bites

heh heh.. Fun aren't they?
Asides from what Marc said, I found the best way to dodge a bite is to catch them while they are submerged. They seem to put up only a short fight and then just relax. That's when you do what you gotta do and pull them out. Or you can pull a hatchling/juvie out whenever, but a 3-4' individual itd be best to wait 'til they stop fighting. Also, I would never let my guard down with any adult crocodilian, alot of strikes often go unnoticed until you've been hit. However, you will learn his dispostion and it will get easier with practice. If you cant get your animal to go into the water when you wish to pick him up, use gloves. Gloves are great. heh.
Good luck with that beast.

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Old 02-01-04, 01:19 AM   #7
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well...wen the the way i named him or her "paperkut" in the water i dont have a problem catching him but wen doing research i figured out that the dwarfs like more land then water and he is on land more often....i moved him to a new tank to accomidate the land...i dont even try to grab him while hes on land for two reasons....i dont like disturbing animals unless its necesary and he is really quick with his head .....this is the best animal ive ever gotten...besides my conda of course.....thnks 4 the info guys ur putting my mind at ease with all ur answers and comments
Arboreal Snakes of the Amazon'

Breeding Next Year
1.1 Spilotes pullatus
1.1 Corallus hortulanus

looking into amazon bird eating snakes too!!!!!
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