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Old 01-09-04, 03:19 AM   #1
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KFC = Killing Friendly Chickens

Peta's site for kids telling em to be vegitarian..... Even have their own trading cards telling kids they'll get fat if they eat chicken....Man these people are out there.....

from Peta:KFC isn’t just bad news for chickens! Eating chicken parts can make you fat and sick! Take a look at our new “Chicken Chump” trading cards, and you’ll see what we mean. Most chickens in stores have germs on them—which are often nothing but chicken poop. Gross! These poop-covered chicken pieces are disgusting, and they can make you hurl. And if you’re eating buckets of greasy, fatty drumsticks and nuggets, don’t be surprised if your belly gets so big that you can barely zip your pants! To order your own set of “Chicken Chump” cards, complete the form here and don’t forget to order extras to hand out to friends.

Jon Dona

Fox has one of those new reality shows at eight, 'Fast animals, slow children
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Old 01-09-04, 08:37 AM   #2
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You'd think the smell of that stuff would be a sufficient deterrent. Yuck. Just think of how tasty these grain fed PETA people would be if we decided to teach them a lesson by eating them. Now that would be an ironic death. "Cannibals Devour Vegans" the papers would say... mmmm hippylicious!
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Old 01-09-04, 09:14 AM   #3
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It is sad when I look at PETA and all of the sudden, lawyers look like upstanding and rational citizens.
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Old 01-09-04, 09:25 AM   #4
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They over do it and dramatize it .. I can tell you I am a begetarian .. even though I fed off more meet then a normal familly consumes.. too many carnos.

After reading this, It would not make me want to eat meet but instead think about how low thiese ppl are going to try to get their messages across.
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Old 01-09-04, 09:45 AM   #5
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I generally think PETA is absolutely wacko, but I actually agree with them on 2 points. 1) factory farms that feed into KFC keep animals in horrible conditions. 2) Eating buckets of their crap will certainly make you fat.

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Old 01-09-04, 09:46 AM   #6
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when you break down the essay down, just about every sentence is propaganda using words kids use these days!

those people are sick
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Old 01-09-04, 09:57 AM   #7
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Originally posted by BWSmith
It is sad when I look at PETA and all of the sudden, lawyers look like upstanding and rational citizens.
It is sad when I look at PETA and all of a sudden even politicians looks like honest people with realistic goals.
- Ken LePage
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Old 01-09-04, 10:20 AM   #8
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Another case of people using extreme measures to propagate their own beliefs....[SARCASM]Never seen that before[/SARCASM]
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A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Hamlet would be nice; To be, turn to page 73.
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Old 01-09-04, 10:33 AM   #9
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need to start a real People for the Eating of Tasty Animals organization. Protest PETA at all their protests. Take action against these terrorists.
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Old 01-09-04, 10:45 AM   #10
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I think I'll go eat KFC today...
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Old 01-09-04, 11:24 AM   #11
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I hate to say it, but I agree that broiler chickens are kept in very inhumane conditions. There are alternatives such as free range chickens. PETA is supposed to stand for "People for the ethical treatment of animals" right? I'm all for that, I think most of us are, but these people go over the top. Certain animals die so we can eat, that's just life. If these people had their way, we would all be feeding our dogs and cats vegan diets. No wait, if they had thier way we wouldn't be allowed to "enslave" dogs and cats and problem would be solved. I think PETA probably started out as a really good idea that went way wrong somewhere.
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Old 01-09-04, 11:42 AM   #12
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Thats very true...They take it too far...I am all for demonstrating but as soon as you get violent or verbally abusive then you are detracting from the point that you are trying to make...
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, 1.0 Mexican Black King Snake

A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Hamlet would be nice; To be, turn to page 73.
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Old 01-09-04, 11:58 AM   #13
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Typical left wing gooblely goop hey if its on the internet it must be true.
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Old 01-09-04, 12:13 PM   #14
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There's a difference between a demonstration and a brawl but I still say we assert ourselves as carnivores and feed on these rabbit people and any other soy suckin kelp munchers we can find. It's time to go on the offensive. The time has come for the meat eaters to rise to the top of the food chain once and for all, renouncing vegetables for vegetables afterall are what food eats. Eat the rabbit people and they'll shut up.
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Old 01-09-04, 12:42 PM   #15
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I don't have a problem with anyone wanting to be a vegan. That's their choice, I do have a problem with those that want to tell me I am somehow a bad person for eating meat , especially when they are wearing leather Nikes as they are telling me this. That is ok, I'm an adult and I can ignore them and go on with my life, but telling kids that their Mother kills rabbits and that horrible poster.... that is just wrong! I bet we could go into these people's houses and find a lot of things that animals died for.
Wooden furniture? Trees were cut down and habitats lost. Plastic? It's filling up landfills and hurting the enviroment. I wonder how many of them have eaten jello salad with their vegan meals? Gelatin is made from rendered animal fat.
I wonder how many of them have briefly entertained the thought of eating rabbit while they watched one mowing down their vegatable garden?
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