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Old 01-08-04, 04:40 PM   #1
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Talking Meeces

Last night my cat was batting at something under the TV stand, (the stand is made of wood, and only has a visible few spaces inbetween the floor and the stand, its a cd/tv stand) and the cats loose stuff under there all the time.

So my mom tells me to get one of the many toy mice we have strewn about the living room, from underneath the stand. As i approuch the space i see a string from underneath sticking out, so i grab it, to my delight it was wet and squishy. i retrieve d my hemos thinking it was food or something of the sort.

Finally i plunge my hemos into the darkness and grasp the wet squishy thing, only to pull out a disemboweled mouse! Wich looked like the rats i have in the freezer, so i was a bit baffled for a second, but then noticed the BIG difference between rat and mouse smell, and even more funny my mo predicted the whole thing hahahaha,

the mpus prob. came into the hous during the day, b/c it was dead cold, pretty stupid of him to come into a house of four champion (and former) mousers. oh well thats lif right!?
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns
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Old 01-08-04, 04:43 PM   #2
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what is a hemos? and why were you happy it was wet and squishy?
If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?"
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Old 01-08-04, 09:15 PM   #3
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hemostats, similar to tongs

are your cats indoor/outdoor cats or just indoor? if they go out doors they could have brought the mouse in.

My mom in law has a cat door so the cats can come and go at will.
they're always bringing in mice, rats rabbits, birds and other small game. If you think a bloody mouse is bad you should see the mess a rabbit or bird can make.
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May you live in interesting times.
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Old 01-08-04, 10:20 PM   #4
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When my Siamese was an outdoor cat (about 12 years ago, before I was made aware of how irresponsible it is to introduce a feral predator into the ecosystem), he came in from one of his hunts, curled up on my sisters' chest while she was watching TV, and regurgitated a partially digested Garter Snake on her! My God, I have never heard such a scream!
It makes me laugh when I think about it though.....
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