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Old 01-06-04, 03:37 AM   #1
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Greetings all

Hello all,

I'd like to say that I'm new to this forum but so far from what I've read this is one of the best forums with the most informative information I've seen after reading various forums. So I guess what I'm saying is thanks for the information. I figure it's time to post something myself so that I can maybe provide some information as well and not be a slacker just taking information.

My current monitor is a savannah monitor he/she (unknown at this age, but I'll call it a him for now) is about 12-16" long right now and I have him in a custom built enclosure I recently built out of plywood and acrylic. The enclosure measures 7'x4'x3' (LxWxH), the substrate I'm using is crushed, recycled newspaper which keeps the heat pretty well and surprising holds the burrows pretty well, the basking heat is about 110-120F and ambient is about 80-85F, I feed him mice 1 every day currently, he poops everyday at least once if not twice .

I guess I should ask my questions I have now. It's rather an open end question about just general information based on what I've given above and if you agree/disagree with anything I'm doing or not doing? I appreciate and take all comments/suggestions whether they are pats on the back or "damn you what do you think you're doing"

I got him about 3 months ago when he was a "wee" baby (haha about 5-6") and he's almost triple that size so to any people who dont think they grow very quickly....*cough* (clears throat) YOU'RE WRONG!!

So if you have any ideas, comments, suggestions, compliments, complaints, etc etc etc...I'll take them all.

P.S. I'll try to post a couple of pics of him and his enclosure hopefully within the week. Thanks for your time and patience.
"Do or do not, there is no try" - short, wise green man
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Old 01-06-04, 03:47 AM   #2
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Welcome to the site! Sorry, I don't know anything about monitors.
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Old 01-06-04, 10:17 AM   #3
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I am really interested int eh Newspaper substrate.. I have never heard of any one using a recyvled newpaper that HOLDS a burrow .. can't picture it.. Any pics .. Not something i would use but if it works for you monitor.. thats all that matters.
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Old 01-06-04, 03:51 PM   #4
Steeve B
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Hello Gray ghost
aim also intriged by your substrata! mold dosent afect it?
Herpetoculture isn’t an exact science!!
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Old 01-06-04, 04:19 PM   #5
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Hi budy!
Welcome and have fun.
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Old 01-06-04, 08:27 PM   #6
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Hi there!

I'm new to this forum as well. The one comment I'd make about your setup would be the use of recycled paper. You'd be better off using dirt, even if the recycled paper holds burrows. Chances are the burrows aren't humid enough, or else your enclosure would be a damp mess (paper doesn't cope well with water).
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Old 01-07-04, 05:51 AM   #7
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AS far as the substrate I'm using it's actually pretty odd yet nice at the same time because it does hold the burrow nicely and he can dig alot. As for mold I have no issues with it currently though I am concerned about that issue as well so I'm watching it closely it is still a fairly new setup with this substrate being only about 3 months old now.

Then as for humidity I live in an area where the current humidity outside is about 25-35% even this time of year (winter) and my humidity meter is reading at 35-40% depending on time of day. And I've read alot of different places where people say that's a good range for savannahs but they could be wrong and so could I, so what does everybody else keep it at?
"Do or do not, there is no try" - short, wise green man
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Old 01-10-04, 04:51 PM   #8
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My savannah has an average humidity of 40% rising to 50% when i mist all my other herp cages in the room.

For what you feed your sav, hes that small and eating a mouse every day? Mine is about 12" long and hes eating crikets, superworms, waxworms, and silkworms. He also get a little lowfat dog food and 1-2 times a month some egg. I would reccommend backing off the rodents a little bit, maybe to two times a week, and doing big crix, and super worms instead. Also, try silkworms and waxworms(occasionally) and some dog food and egg(scrambled or hardboiled), i scramble because i know someone with three savs and here's pick the eggs apart and only eat one part if its hardboiled. I havent fed mine any rodents yet but i will soon, and im also going to get some monitor much from T-rex Products soon.

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Old 01-15-04, 04:04 PM   #9
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It's been well over a week. Do you have any photos of your monitor and enclosure yet??

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