Hehe.....i usually find it hard to meet someone who can't get their rats to breed lol
Some rules of thumb are..... breed younger females to older males and always be ready for a small batch the first time.
If you can condition you females as best as you can a week or two before you breed just to give them a better chance and having a good first litter.
Also keep in mind that after the third or fourth batch of babies your female might start to have smaller batches of babies that is because when your rat gets older her hips will fuse and possibly cause further breeding problems....so if you can and if you have the space retire her.
Try to get a good breeding schedual together so that each female will have a month off between each batch of pups.....that month off should be your conditioning month
Always keep an eye on your girls to make sure they are eating and drinking enough. Some girls get way too preoccupied in their babies and forget to do so....
My house is a normal room temp...and in the summer i also let the windows stay open just to keep the smells down and let the rats hear the outside noises. I also keep the lights off at all times when i am not there...just makes them more comfortable. ^_^
As far as food i spoil my rats SO badly! They get a rat mix the big bags that pet stores get.... It's a mix of nutra block and a seed mix. They also get fresh greens and veggies when i have the cash...min once a week.
When ever we make spaggetti they do as well for i have a bad habit of over cooking lol. Rats are pure trash cans.... you can feed them nearly everything.
Dog food is not always a bad thing.... but i would use it in an emergancy. I once caught a huge female in our store who had been eating all the pig ears and dog food in the back... She was almost too big for the large rodent humane trap LOL
If you have anymore questions about rat breeding please feel free to e-mail me :medcomcic