If you just got the animal and are going to move it to another enclosure tomorrow it may stress it out to feed it right away. You may want to wait until the animal gets settles in. As already mentioned make sure to dust your crickets once a week. Also since tokays are nocturnal its a good idea to feed your gecko at night. Tokay don't really like drinking out of water bowls so I mist mine every day. They lick the water droplets off of their bodies, leaves and the glass of the enclosure. You want to get the day temps at like 75-80, and at night they like it a little cooler I leave mine around 65-70. Also they need a really good spot to hide, and I would put fake or real plants, and wood/cork bark etc in the enclosure because if they do want to bask they will have something to hide and bask on. The humidity should be around 70%. And ten gallons is not big enough for an adult. An adult would need a 20-30 gallon aquarium, and height is more important than length since they are arboreal.
Hope this can help
:sun: Kristen :rsmile:
Last edited by KristenM; 11-06-03 at 05:55 PM..