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Old 10-12-03, 09:43 AM   #1
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Does anyone know of any caresheets for mice, that tell some info on breeding them?
1.1 BDs
0.1 Leopard Gecko-->Lookin for Adult male(anything cool)
0.1 Ball
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Old 11-03-03, 03:53 PM   #2
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Hi. Its very easy to breed mice. There is nothing to it. Just get a male and female and they can start breeding at 4month old. Usually at the first time they give around 5-7babyes. On all of te other times they give up to and no more then14 babyes at a time. They do not need a spesific temperature, but it can't be too cold or als pinkies (small babyes) will get sick. If its too hot and there is no where als you can poot them, make sure they have a boul of water they will dip their heads in to cool down. However I would recomend reproducing Dwarf Hamsters. Dwarf Hamsters reproduce just as easy and you can keep them at home cause they do not smell. Also Dwarf Hamsters gave me up to 7 babyes at the time.
If you have any further quistions you can wright to me back at
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Old 11-03-03, 04:04 PM   #3
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Um yeah that some crazy information. Don't know where you got the idea that mice do not have more than 14 per litter, or that they will dunk their heads to cool down?


The best way to breed mice for reptiles is setting up families/colonies.

You can use 1 male mouse with anywhere from 3-7 females. Some people even use up to ten but I have found best results with 1.4 or 1.5 Set them up in a ten gallon, or a rubbermaid shoebox.

Freshwater out of a bottle (bowls are FAR too messy and get disgusting fast) is a must. Water must always be available. Food can be a variety of things, certain mouse diets/rodent diets, some dog foods, seeds nuts, veggies in moderation, just a million things they can eat.

You do not want them getting to warm as high temps can cause sterility in males and cause other problems like overheating. They do not need heat sources and will readily breed and live at anywhere from 55-75 that range seems to be best and most recommended.

My best females were producing sometimes 20 babies per litter. You can also get certain lab strains that regularly produce over 20 pinks per litter. Normal average would be 5-12 though.

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Old 11-12-03, 12:46 AM   #4
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Hey its me. Well from my expiriance with mice which i have had for the last 4 years, when at the summer time, since i live in a town house, i poot them outside so that my house does not smell like shet all of the time. So when i give them a small bowl of watter, they dip their hends in the watter and rubb them on their heads till their heads became moiste. I assume they do that to cool down. Try it youre selph tell me then what happens with youre mice.
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Old 11-12-03, 01:00 AM   #5
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No thanks. Water dishes in mice colonies are filthy, smelly and breeding grounds for germs and bacteria within hours. I am sticking with bottles. Mice don't breed well in hot weather anyway and you'd have far better results in a cooler place for the mice.

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Old 11-15-03, 09:37 PM   #6
Join Date: Nov-2003
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I breed mice currently and have so for many years.

I have breed everytime of reodent including guinea pigs.

For mice the best setup would be as marisa said. I personaly use 10gallons and use 1.4 as said before. I use pine bedding because it covers the smell but you can use something as simple as shreded newspaper or paper towls.

A water bottle is a must because using a bowl will only cause mess also like said above. I have a mini freezer in my room so i can save my mice if they have to many and i want to save a few pikies.

#1 thing to remeber is to only keep one male per breeding tank or they will fight and possibly kill the babies if they know its not there own.

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