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Old 10-02-03, 09:13 AM   #1
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eats well but less... normal ?

My 1 year old male vieiled eats less than before.

He seems to be adult size and very healthy.

Is it normal for veiled that have arrived to the adult age to eat less ?

I use to give him 25 crix in a bowl and he ate them all in 2 minutes.

Now sometimes I come back from work and I see that he left 5 crix untouched. Must be ok, but I want to be sure.


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Old 10-02-03, 09:37 AM   #2
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Is it normal for veiled that have arrived to the adult age to eat less ?
Seems pretty normal to me. In my experience, babies and juveniles eat whatever is put in front of them! As they get older their appetites drop off. I've got a few males here, that when they were growing would eat 24 bugs or more a day, now that they are adults they, maybe, eat 6-10 bugs a day and maintain their weight. As long as he gets a varied diet every day, and eats it, I wouldn't get too concerned.

How is Boy George (I think that's his name) feeling after his fall the other night?


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Old 10-02-03, 09:44 AM   #3
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Thanks Trace.

well BG is fine thanks for asking

I think he sliped from a weak branch or something, the fact that he couldn't get a good grip after is fall is probably due to the fact that he was sleeping when he fel.

After 48 hours, he seems okay. I'm still keeping an eye on him though I care for him too much.

He's really hard to inspect, since I never take this guy out, I chose to let him be and leave him act as wild as he wants, so I never handle him. So I try to look at him from every angle when he's in is cage and I don't see nothing wrong.

He's a tough guy

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Old 10-02-03, 02:48 PM   #4
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thats great too hear, thats its ok
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