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Old 08-29-03, 10:56 PM   #1
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Another Pet Store question

Well I went to a pet store today ........was browsing around, happened to look at the little baby ball pythons.... One was laying with a climbing stick laying over his middle, his middle was all twisted, it looked like he had been trying to go poop, but it had taken a while and it (the poop) was all dried up, and looked liked his insides were coming out! I went and got a lovely associate and asked him to turn the snake on his back real quick.....when he touched the snake it opened it's mouth as to bite him, but just went the way he was pushed....and only turned his head back to where his "chin" was on the ground. I asked the KID if it could be IBD.......he said "sure.....if I knew what it was." I was ALMOST speechless! But I told him......."you need to get this snake to a vet, because if it has IBD then your other pythons have it to. get all your snakes checked (I don't know if it can cross to amphibans and lizards!), but they have corn snakes above them and I'm sure they don't practice good hygiene methods. I looked in the tank and seen 2 other baby BP's they were having a tough shed.....all flakey, and such.....humidity was bad, you could tell that, but they had a full bowl of water. PLUS they had mites!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! THE PEOPLE are lucky me and my partner just left when we did. Or we would have taken those people out!!!!! Just wanted to rant, I know there is nothing I can do.......just wanted to rant........
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Old 08-29-03, 11:27 PM   #2
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damn, im so sorry to hear that. HOWEVER, if you want to be a good deed doer , you could help the other babies with their mite problems< clean cage and a mite or IM me for that procedure which works fairly well)...just ask the store manager if you could extend your um <cough> services to those neglected herps or you will call the ASPCA for animal abuse/neglect which in most states carry a pretty hefty fine/jail time depending on the extent of the charges.
If he doesnt comply just give the ASPCA a toll free anonymous call......with your cell phone the store.

oh did i mention? i really have a severe dislike for people/places that dont properly care for their critters.
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Old 08-30-03, 02:40 PM   #3
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I'm actually afraid to......I'm afraid those snakes had IBD and I don't want to bring it home to my snakes...... I drove off about 5-6 people looking at them by yelling "These snakes are in sad condition.....they PROBABLY have RI's, IBD, and MITES...." and kept going on about how the vet bills were going to cost, and such......
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Old 08-30-03, 03:21 PM   #4
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If its IBD they will be dead in a month. It's cheaper for a pet store to replace the animal then it is to get it treated. It's a business and the bottom line is profite not the health of the animals. 90% of the animals that are reabilitated in the pet trade is done by compationate employees.
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Old 08-30-03, 09:27 PM   #5
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Oh of course......But the employee's here didn't care....didn't even know what IBD was....
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Old 08-30-03, 09:51 PM   #6
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I was talking today with one of the "big" guys and he said something that really struck a cord with me. When was the last time there was actually a well reported or documented case of IBD. No wonder the sales guy never heard of it. A) for him it's a job not a hobby and he doesn't have to know what IBD is to collect his check. He doesn't know, nor does he want too. B) there have been no cases of it reported or documented that I've ever heard of. Who really knows someone who has dealt with it first hand?
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Old 08-31-03, 02:25 PM   #7
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Oh of course......but still basic herp knowledge should be taught and basic illnesses should be taught to.......I feel so bad....I wanted to hit those stupid ignorant people!
The Mischief:
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Old 08-31-03, 03:02 PM   #8
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Ah you can't people smart, too bad too cause it would give teaching a whole new meaning hee hee!
Try not to let it get you down,
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Old 08-31-03, 04:26 PM   #9
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If only there was a way to make the stores get l;icenses to sell herps. But that would screw the rest of us, so maybe it's better with no regulations. It's still disgraceful. Plus they don't want any help either usually - I've tried to get my local chain store to put info sheets by the reptiles, even offered to pay for the cost of photocopying myself, and they were downright rude. They did listen about not putting herps on cedar chips though, which was a minor victory.

If you try to make a change, good luck. Remember even the slightest change is a step in the right direction.
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Old 08-31-03, 04:44 PM   #10
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Man i went to that same place the other day bps for $100 and boas for $100. I dont i wont even buy mice from there any more i think we should all boycot.
Juggalo Love
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Old 08-31-03, 04:48 PM   #11
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A boycot can hurt the inocent employees who are just trying to make a living. Buying CB animals from dealers and suplies from pet stores is a step in the right direction. The less animals they sell the less they bring in. The less they bring in the less the importers bring in. The less the importerters bring in the more there are left alone in the wild. I say keep supporting the local pet shop by buying books and supplies but don't buy their animals and don't be afraid to tell them why either.
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Old 08-31-03, 05:16 PM   #12
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I think they shouldn't be able to sell herps in pet stores, I think only breeders should be able to sell them.

Emerson: if you go get a snake from a pet store to buy herps for convience (SP???), then you shouldn't own herps..I can see rescuing them, but just because they are cheap and right in town.doesnt' mean you should go buy one..I've learned my lesson.I'll NEVER buy ANY type of animal from a pet store again. then well you get what you pay for....Go to a breeder, may be a little more, but your bp will be in TONS of better health.
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Old 08-31-03, 11:15 PM   #13
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as bad as all these stores can be, in all fairness, one of the ones near me is somewhat decent in terms of care. The animals aren't captive-bred, i'm sure, but the employees at least know the basic care requirements. it wouldn't be a good idea to buy a pet there, but at least they know what the temps/humidity should be. it's a start. my only point is that not all petstores kill their animals out of pure ignorance or greed, not that they are good sources for animals. our view should just be a little more balanced, esp. since we mostly hear about bad things...
1.1 ball pythons (Huxley and Marla)
~"Interestingly enough, the only thing the bowl of petunias thought was, 'Oh no, not again.'" --Douglas Adams~
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Old 09-01-03, 12:43 AM   #14
Grant vg
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This thread has been edited to protect from any dealings with lawsuits.
If you wish to discuss your frustration with the "big" chain pet stores, please keep there names off the forums and through PM"s only.

its unfortunate that not all pet stores care enough about there animals like the ppl who frequent these forums. BUT...Remember that pet stores ARE the reason for most of us getting involved in herp keeping in the first place. Not everybody knows there local breeders until they stumble upon the "online community" and realize how big herp keeping really is. And some never stumble upon ssnakess or other forums, and live life buying and raising there herps through the local pet store.
If you get rid of pet stores , the herp community will take a big blow in numbers and eventually diminish.
Grant van Gameren
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Old 09-01-03, 11:41 AM   #15
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The other problem with banning herps from pet stores is that if only the breeders have them, it ends up going more underground... and that is begging for bans to be enacted. As long as herps are in pet stores, and thus "in the public eye", governments and municipalities may be less apt to ban them, since it would be bad for businesses. I'm not saying they won't anyway, but bringing reptiles into the underground is just going to make it happen that much sooner.
- Ken LePage
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