Hey Rev,
Hmmm. Something you may want to look into
Quote from Inviroguard mulch website
"...it gives added organic matter and slowly releases nutrients to supplement your fertilization program."
What nutrients are they using to supplement their product and will they have any detremental effect on the herps? I know various animal by-products are used for "natural or organic nutrients. eg. (Sheep and Cow Manure,Bat Guano, Fish Emulsion.... used supplement Nitrogen...none of which smell the greatest when wet). Things like Blood Meal and Bone Meal are regularly used in "organic fertilizers", and they are exactly what they sound like, ground and mixed blood and bone matter from slaughtered cattle and dead animals. Some nutrients will increase either soil acidity or alkalinity,
Is any of this going to affect the herps health? I would personally look into it a little further before using it.
here is a link you may want to read
Hope this helps