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Old 08-12-03, 11:52 AM   #1
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BRB, Getting pretty dang popular !

I see tons of peole getting BRBs as first or second snakes, is this a new thing or it's allways been ?

Will the BRB be the next cornsnake of year 2005 ?

I really wouldn't want to see this snake become just a simple snake and see them for 150 / 200$ in pet stores.

Cornsnakes / JCP / Sinaloan Milk / BRB / Veiled / ATB / WLP / Crested Geckos / Uroplatus Henkeli / Vietnamese Cave gecko / Chinese Cave gecko *What's Available*
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Old 08-12-03, 11:59 AM   #2
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I don't have one, but I think it is one of my favourite snakes out there. I think that since they typically have very large clutches, you see a lot of for sale ads.

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Old 08-12-03, 12:10 PM   #3
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I'm seeing lots advertised at the $100USD mark lately
Old 08-12-03, 01:22 PM   #4
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I don't think they will become "the next cornsnake" due to their high humidity requirements. It seems like a lot of beginners just can't take proper care of them. It also seems like a lot of people don't want to drop more than $25 on a pet. I sure hope I don't start seeing them in pet stores though.

I have to admit, my BRB is my first snake. But, someone who keeps a colony of GTPs (also extremely high humidity) got me started out and I'm not running into any of the problems that most beginners bring up. Before I got her I did a lot of research and made sure she was what I wanted, and also made sure that I felt I could take proper care of her (more reading and research!)

Plus, I just don't like cornsnakes! I didn't want to start with a snake that I don't love I'm also not planning on keeping anything other than BRBs.

Last edited by Christine; 08-12-03 at 01:35 PM..
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Old 08-12-03, 01:44 PM   #5
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I think its a long time before you see them being reduced in price, in fact in the past years they have gone up in price. They are gaining popularity, but no more than many other species of snake. Nowhere near being the next cornsnake. These snakes are also ill-suited to most stores due to their humidity requirements. They are often kept like corns when you see em in stores. A few years ago market price was $200 CDN for babies, but now its up around $225-$250 (even higher for super nice specimens). I don't think you have any worries .
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Old 08-12-03, 09:25 PM   #6
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The main reason that they won't be the next corn snake and also the SAME reason that cornsnakes are $20 is PRODUCTION. There will never be enough Rainbow breeders to drive the price down to a pet-store price like a corn. Corn snakes however are being bred by 7 and 8 year olds. No wonder they can be had for $10 sometimes.

Its a shame. I wish some of these things were more tricky to breed/incubate. We might appreciate them a bit more.
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