I recently purchased a Boaphile 322D and it's swell! Super light weight (I can move a 3'X2'X17.5" cage by myself and I'm 5'3"). Easy to clean! The hardware is great- secure but easy enough to open one handed. This is important when you've got 7 ft of snake in the other hand. I like the bottom hinge, front opening as it gives me a barrier between my hungry snake and my hand when introducing prey items to prevent stupid feeding mistakes. Having the door about 2" off the floor of the cage acts as a litter dam as well. The installed heat tape option is working well also. One of the things that helped me to decide on the Boaphile (versus other companies) was simply the color, basic black. I think most snakes appreciate their dark cavey home. Stackable is definitely a plus in my book.
Just some thoughts about what I like in a plastic cage...