Hi Spyderman,
Have you checked for the presence of mites? When mites infest a snake, they leave behind their fecal matter which somtimes appears as a fine white dust. Put the bull one paper towel or newspaper (if it isnt already) for a few weeks and check it daily for little blk crawly things. aLSO CHECK THE WATER BOWL. uSUALY A SNAKE TENDS TO SOAK ALOT WHEN THEY AHVE MITES AND YOU CAN SEE THEM FLOATING DEAD IN THE WATER BOWL OR WALKING AROUND THE RIM. (please forgive the all caps on that last sentance. I didnt relize I had hit the caps lock and am too lazy to retype:-D) If this turns out to be the case, let me know and I can give ya the 411 on a very effective treatment.
Also, I have had snakes crawl over their urine before, leaveing awhite, dusty look to their belly scales. Pituophis are nitorious for crawling around in their poo(except the Northerns in my experince. They seem to avoid it alittle better. Could be jsut me) so it could be the case. If so, make sure to clean any fecal material (includeing urine) left asap to avoid an even bigger mess!!!
Welp, hope this info is of some help!