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Old 07-21-03, 10:47 PM   #1
Wuntu Menny
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Poached eggs anyone?

Alright, enough with the heatwave already! Our incubators are perfectly stable until the weather gets too hot. Its been unusually warm for a while and I have to resort to putting ICE in the incubators to lower the temps!

We live on a main floor and have no A/C, so there's no escaping to the basement. Does anyboby else have a similar problem? How do you deal with it?

Revenge is a dish best served cold...

With a side plate of steaming entrails,
And a nice Bordeaux!
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Old 07-22-03, 01:18 PM   #2
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I too dislike the current Calgary heatwave. All my eggs are in "fish box" coolers this year. I have just been leaving them in the snake room. I rotate them to different spots in the room based on the outside weather. Even though my "room" is on the upper level I haven't had any problems this year. Most Colubrid eggs can handle a wide range of temps, it is those hot peaks that you have to worry about. I just do things to keep the whole house cool such as keeping blinds down & doors closed to keep heat out & others open to allow air flow in. Remember having the whole house open will eventually just lead to the inside temp reaching the same as outside. Sometimes keeping the whole house closed up until early evening works best for keeping it semi-cool inside & then leave everthing open at night for it to cool right back down. Fortunately I have the option to move the eggs easily whereever/whenever I want as they are just coolers & can be easily relocated. My snake room is also on the east side of the house so it only receives the early morning sun & not the hot afternoon sun. Anyhow we do live in Calgary & the nice weather isn't likely to last too long, heh heh. Good Luck with the incubation. Mark I.
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Old 07-22-03, 05:04 PM   #3
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I'm not complaining about this heat wave one bit. Then again, I do have a basement. It does have one other advantage - I haven't had a single UTH or heat lamp plugged in for quite a while now, and my corns are still trying to cool off.
- Ken LePage
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Old 07-22-03, 05:05 PM   #4
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I do the same stuff as gonesnakee We leave our house totally open all night long, and then close up all windows, blinds and doors until late evening. It seems stuffy but then its cooler than outside.

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Old 07-22-03, 06:16 PM   #5
Wuntu Menny
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Tried all those things. We've had five years to figure out how to keep the temps down and this is as good as it gets. Its an old house with 2x4 walls and little or no insulation. After the sun goes down, the heat accumulated in the attic and walls radiates back into the house and the temp actually increases to inhuman levels!

I think I'll start using a fridge instead of an incubator in summer.
Oh well, off to 7-11 for another bag of ice.
Revenge is a dish best served cold...

With a side plate of steaming entrails,
And a nice Bordeaux!
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Old 07-23-03, 12:25 AM   #6
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put a fan in the attic and have it blow the air out one of the attic air vents. If your attic dosen't have one then go ask a builder of a building center what is involved. Its quit simple and will help cool the house in the sommer.
Just don't forget to turn it off in the fall and if need be block off the hole too.
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Old 07-23-03, 12:30 AM   #7
Tim and Julie B
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Hi we have the exact same problem (main floor/no ac). I tried the Rev. Sterling method and checked the temps in the bathroom cupboard. The were a steady temp compared to the rest of the house. If it gets drastic you can use the poormans a.c. Turn a cold shower on with a fan (safely away from the water) to blow around the cold air!
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Old 07-23-03, 01:20 AM   #8
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Its crazy hot up here in BC too.. Probably not as bad as down south though. My snakes all hide underneath their water dishes. I have the fan on all day and mist with cold water... it's still really hot. The snakes have started coming out at night. I hope they don't turn nocturnal on me. Good luck keeping them cool!
Tammy Rehbein
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