The ones I've worked with are relatively well mannered. I'd say 80% were easy to handle, with 10% being fairly agro and 10% just a bit unpredictable. Hehehe...anyone says they are all nice, well a friend of mine has an 8' male named "Bitey"
The female in my personal collection just looks like she is gonna eat me, but she has never even struck. However, talk to her previous owner, Matt
Guess she tagged him nearly everytime he opened the cage, she was even trying to bite him through the bag when he packed her up to bring her to me
Some snakes just like some people/sexes though. My male BCC was apparently not an agressive animal, well he is downright the nastiest guy in my collection, I cannot release my hold on the back of his head or he just repeatedly strikes at my face (he's never once tried to bite me anywhere else!
). He's gotten a little too big for that BS though so I just stick to restraint now
Anyways, here's pics of my girl...
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Pic of her when she was younger...
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