Yeah any of the larger ground dwelling species ie: terrestrial, can not live though a fall mopre then 1 or 2 inches, thier abdomains are very easily to tear. Most of mine are in tupperwear of some sort or another...the large arboreals are in glass tanks 5.5 gallon hex's to be exact. When you have 2500 specimens you need to conserve space lol. I remeber reading one artice in the ATS(American Tarantula Society) that in the wild one female T.blondi which they studied for 5 years did not move more then 2 feet from the entrance of her burrow over the entire time of the study. Just to give you an idea about thier activivty levels, so if you want to do them a favour give'em a large burrow and they will be happy...Just a side note it has been proven that Tarantula eyes are very primative and they can only seen vague shaps and in B&W, so basically they can only see movment. Hope this was of some use.
Last edited by Colonel SB; 06-18-03 at 01:21 PM..