new tokays
I just got two tokays on Saturday from the Lee Watson Reptile show Near Chicago, IL. Well, I'm kind of worried about one of them. She is very thin and her skin is very loose. On her underside I can see her ribs and her hip bones. She doesn't seem to be very interested in eating any more either. Nor is she very active. I can actually reach in and hold her. At first I was hoping that was a sign of docileness, but Now I'm not really thinking so. The day I put them in the cage after the trip home they both just gobbled up everything that crossed their path, But now they don't want to eat at all. I'm being sure to gut load the crickets. I have a orange slice and some chicken mash in the container now with the crickets. I'm coating the crickets with some reptivit before feeding it to them as well. Last nite, since the same number of crickets were in the cage as there were Sunday nite, I figured they were not eating. I tried to force feed the skinnier one by throwing the cricket in her mouth as it was gapping open, I'm assuming trying to bite me. But as soon as she chomped down on it and I place her back down to finish eating that one, she'd spit it right back out. I'm really worried about her. I added a few more fake plants, a papertowel roll, and one of those doritos mini's containers in the tank for extra hides. Figuring maybe they are stressed because they don't have enough hides. But I don't know. I hope she eats soon. Any ideas from any of you?
My zoo includes: 4 red tailboa, 1 ball python, 3 Tarantulas(1 usumbara, 1 mexican redknee, 1 Chilean rose hair), 1 Tokay Gecko, 2 rats, 2 mice, 5 cats, 22 madagasgar hissing cockroaches and 1 Starling. What's going to be next, nobody knows!!!!!!