Originally posted by Colonel SB
It's what you get when you breed a Het and a normal together, all the babies look normal but only a certain percent are acutally het for that trait but there is no way to tell so they say 50% to let you know that there is a 50% chance that it is Het for a traite
True. However there is another case. First I would like to say that Het means heterozygous, or in english 'has the gene for.' The percentage is the chance that they carry this gene. Now, the other case I was speaking of is when you breed a het with another het, lets say albino for now. If I bred a 1.1 het albino pair, statistically one in every 4 will be albino, 2 100% hets and one normal. Because there is no way of distinguishing whether they are a het or not, we cannot decifer which of the 3 remaining non-albinos are het. Therefore, we say that there is a 66% chance that each of those are albino. [33% (het) + 33%(het) + 33%(normal)]. This totals to 99%, it is not 100 for the obvious reasons. In other words 2:1, or 66.666.........% of them have the albino gene.