I moved this thread from the Food For Thought Forum to this forum, I do believe you are talking about your new ball python???
Regardless of whether or not it is a BP, you shouldn't attempt to feed or handle your new snake for 7 days. It has undergone a lot of stress with being mvoed and all and will likely refuse. Just give him some time to settle in first.
If it is indeed a Ball Python, then he may not also want to eat something so small. Hatchling BP's are born being able to take hopper or adult mice, or rat pinkies. Its best to start them out on rats since you will eventually have to change them over when they get bigger, and the longer they stay on mice the more difficult this can be, but since your guy is obviously been started on mice go from there. Did your snake come with a feeding card at all? Has it fed for the store since they have had him? General rule of thumb is to feed your snake one prey item that is the same size as the largest part of the snakes girth. If your snake has taking prekilled or frozen then by no means should you offer him live. Live is one of the last resorts, once a ball goes back on to live it may never want to switch back over again to prekilled or frozen. Snakes can go quite a while without food, so no need to worry yet.