Last night I was feeding my snakes. I fed the burm first then i put him back. I have a large shoe box which i feed them ine. I got out my boa put in the mouse(F/T of course) and waited about 5 minutes. Well this time I was unfortunate and the store had no rats so I got a bunch of adult mice. Shes a big girl now so i gave her two. Well when i opened to put the second one in, to my surprise she wasnt done. IM guessing since im use to my burm polishing off rats of any size in a matter of a minute or two. Well i had the second mouse in tongs(actually a wire hanger bent, works pretty good) and when i went to place it in i saw the mouse still in her coils, she only had the head in her mouth, and quickly realeased. Then after she opened her mouth as wide as i think it could go, and HISSED LIKE CRAZY. I jumped back at the surprise, and at how loud such a little snake can be. You would never imagine a little snake being so loud, i can only imagine when shes full grown. Well after she hissed i just put the box backon, and let her be for about 10 minutes then gave her the next mouse. I was just realy surprised cause shes been great, even the last feeding i did the same, and she didnt hiss?? Coudl she be going mean, or just that time of the month? When i put her back she was fine though.
Ok just thought id share my story since im bored in study hall