Sorry was supposed to post more than one picture...This and the above one was me trying to get him out of the enclosure...
[IMG]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Pets\IJresting2.jpg[/IMG]
Him moving ard...seeing who has come..
[IMG]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Pets\IJmovingArd.jpg[/IMG]
[IMG]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Pets\IJmovingArd2.jpg[/IMG]
Hanging on the couch watching Buffy with me or just exploring...
[IMG]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Pets\IJHangingOnCouch.jpg[/IMG]
Putting him back in after Buffy...
[IMG]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Pets\IJGoingBackIn.jpg[/IMG]
Going back to Hiding spot..
[IMG]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Pets\IJBackIn.jpg[/IMG]