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Old 03-17-03, 07:02 PM   #1
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Exo Terra Heat Lamps

Alright, well these lamps are really aggrivating me. I have gone through at least 10 in the past three months, lol. For no reason, when my timer goes on, they seem to just want to stop working. Not to mention, they are very fragile. I unscrew the bulb, and it falls out of the end (the screw part).
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Old 03-17-03, 07:04 PM   #2
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WOW, those things must stink. I buy lamps from they have catologs you can order about herps,birds,cats,dogs,ponds,and fish. You should go there.
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Old 03-17-03, 08:10 PM   #3
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I find that zoomed bulbs last slightly longer, I bought 1/2 a dozen Exoterra bulbs when they were on sale at PJs (buy 1 get 1 free), and I have gone through all of them in less than a year.

I find the best value for money is to get a heat mat, those things last almost forever, or get a CHE (ceramic heat emitter). CHEs last for about 5 years on average.

Hope this helps.
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Old 03-17-03, 08:25 PM   #4
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For some of my set ups I just use the Infrared heat lamps from home depot about $9.00 or the floods $4.00

Give them a try, but yeh the pads are way more efficent

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Old 03-17-03, 09:00 PM   #5
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Always buy ZOo-Med bulbs... IMO they will last you ALOT longer, the intial cost is more but they last for months is offline  
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Old 03-17-03, 10:05 PM   #6
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Get GLOBE halogen floob bulbs from Walmart.
About $10 cdn for a 2 pack and they come with a 1 year warranty so keep the reciept and Walmart will exchange then for up to a year. (They last about 6 months)
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Old 03-17-03, 10:14 PM   #7
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Yup. I agree with everyone, Zoo-Med bulbs are much better. You still get duds on occassion, however they are far more reliable than the Exo-Terra ones (this is one of those instances where ya get what ya pay for ) Does the store allow you to exchange them? I recommend just using regular incandescent or red/black lights that you can get at a hardware store, if you wish to use lights as the method of heating.

Originally posted by asphyxia
For some of my set ups I just use the Infrared heat lamps from home depot about $9.00 or the floods $4.00
Flood lamps? As far as I know they aren't even rated for indoor use. Do you mean those smaller halogen lamps? I could understand using a flood for providing a 130 degree basking spot for a monitor in a *room*, provided the proper outdoor fixtures were setup, but I wouldn't even consider using them in any other application.
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Old 03-18-03, 06:47 AM   #8
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Hey Linds, yea the Super Pet is fairly nice with me as far as exchanging, seen as how and am a REGULAR customer, and come at least every other day. Usually I need the box though, this time I threw it away Yea, I guess you do get what you pay for...
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Old 03-18-03, 07:19 AM   #9
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Well I am using them in doors for monitors and they are great. (You did not specify what you needed them for).

The wattages range from 65 to 175 and the fixture is good for 150, so I see no problem if you stay withen the specs.

So, do what you want, It was just a suggestion

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Old 03-18-03, 07:50 AM   #10
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Zoo-med and PowerSun light have never gave me trouble. I found a small 100Watt flood light for plants(With UV) at homedepot for 8 bucks. Never tried it though.
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Old 03-18-03, 03:16 PM   #11
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I have the smae problem with the light burning out as soon as the timer goes back on... but with Exoterra, zoomed, and even regular 60W lightbulbs. I think its the timer, actually, because as soon as I stopped using my timer, and turned them on-off manually, they started to not burn out...
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Old 03-18-03, 07:37 PM   #12
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I just use the metal heat lamps and normal bulbs. Watts determind by the size and hight of the cage.

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Old 03-18-03, 07:42 PM   #13
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i have used zoomed and exoterra.. they both seem to work fine for me... i only had like a few pop on me.. within 2 years?
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