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Old 02-03-22, 11:31 PM   #1
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Baby's first steps (slither?)

Hey everyone, I had an interesting question that someone may be able to answer. Perhaps someone with experience around raising snakes.

My question pertains to the way snakes instinctually move. I recently got my second BCI, and he's 8 months old, and I've been watching the way he moves and there definitely seems to be a lack of confidence, not that he's scared, but that he looks like he has no idea how to move on some surfaces. Specifically smooth surfaces, also when I give him a bath he kinda jitters and jolts, with some serpentine motion.

When he's on smooth surfaces like a hardwood floor or even my bed he doesn't really move around, he will usually loop onto himself and kinda circle around. He, unlike my last snake loves to latch on to things, you can tell this snake knows how to climb on craggy rocks like if he were stalking bat caves for dinners, if he were in the wild of course.

So I'm just surprised to see that he's not using any rectilinear locomotion, and this gets me questioning things...
• Do some snakes just not move this way, instinctually?
• Do snakes learn this kind of movement as they mature and become more developed nervous system wise?
• And are there ways to help them along if this is the case?

If anyone has any insight on this that would be great. Perhaps he's just an special snake and he'll never move rectilinearly, not all snake sidewind after all.
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Old 02-04-22, 10:29 PM   #2
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Re: Baby's first steps (slither?)

The snake is uncomfortable on those surfaces. Stop putting the snake on them. Would you like to be placed on ice barefooted all the time for no reason?
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