Worried Escaped Snake is in Floorboards/Walls, please help
Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum. I have scoured the internet and tried so many different ways to find my snake. He is a 5 month old Mexican Burrowing Snake, when I first got him he wasn't in the best of shape, he had scale rot and a mild respiratory issue. I nursed him back to health over the course of a few weeks. Then two weekends ago, I fed him, and left him alone. When I went to check on him 2 days later, I realized he had escaped his tank. This seemed like an impossible feat to me as he was so weak and frail, I honestly did not even think he could reach the the top of the tank, let alone push the screen up and climb through, but I guess he regained more strength than I imagined.
I immediately began searching the surroundings, and right by his tank I realized there's a hole in the hardwood flooring in my room underneath a drawer. Since he has not eaten the thawed mice I've been leaving out, it makes me think he's under the floor or in the walls. I've turned the AC on in my room and the heating on in my bathroom where his tank is on the floor. I live on the upper floor of an old house, I've been leaving thawed mice, water, flour, warm spots... I really don't know what else to do and its literally all I can think about. If you have any tips, please let me know, thank you very much.