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Old 05-06-18, 06:34 PM   #1
Join Date: May-2018
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New to Reptiles

Hello I am new to reptile keeping and I wanted to join a forum for some advice and guidance. My 10 year old son has been wanting a Bearded Dragon for awhile now and I am leaning towards getting one. I have been in the saltwater aquarium hobby for years now and I am gaining more interest with reptiles. I told my son that before getting any bearded dragon we need to do our research. So far I have found that these are great pets and it is recommended to get an adult bearded dragon. I am open to a nice DIY display/aquarium, I love DIY projects and would like a nice size display. I prefer to purchase the dragon from a personal breeder or a reptile store, I am staying away from you common chain pet stores. Any advice on bearded dragons and required equipment would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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Old 05-07-18, 12:35 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar-2018
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Re: New to Reptiles

I own a beardie, several geckos, and a ball python, and I have to say, out of all my reptiles, my bearded dragon is the highest maintenance reptile. My first reptiles were my geckos, which are great starter reptiles, so then I decided to get a bearded dragon..... thought I was ready for it and was shocked at how hard it was. Everyone seems to think they are perfect beginner reptiles, but they aren't. No one will tell you this, but beardies are not very tolerant of mistakes. They have low immune systems, and can get sick or stressed very easily... Also, their tank requirements are much higher and more costly then other beginner reptiles. If your son is ABSOLUTELY dead set on a bearded dragon, then go for it, just be aware of the extra responsibility. I would start off with a leopard gecko or a ball python, if he can be convinced, they are both much easier to care for, and cost less, and are WONDERFUL when it comes to beginner mistakes
"I'm just me trying to be me as best as I can." - Alex Fierro
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Old 05-07-18, 12:51 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec-2017
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Re: New to Reptiles

Welcome to the forum!!

I don't have any personal experience with keeping beaties, so I won't be able to offer any advice. However, they are awesome animals and make great pets. My brother used to have 2 and I've known may others who have kept/currently keep them.

I'll tell you this much though, they will be SOOOOOO much easier than your saltwater aquariums.

I've kept fish and snakes for years and am actually phasing myself out of fish in favor of more snakes.
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Old 05-07-18, 04:07 PM   #4
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Re: New to Reptiles

I appreciate the responses and honesty of how involved they are. You are correct Leah, a lot of people we have talked to say they are great beginner reptiles. My son has had a leaopard gecko for a little over a year now and has been doing good with him. Unfortunately the poor thing has MB disease and requires some extra attention. My son loves getting him out and bathing him in warm water to help with removing his skin while shedding. He still gets around his cage pretty well, but occasionally will need help eating because the crickets are starting to become to fast for him.
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Old 05-07-18, 06:03 PM   #5
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Re: New to Reptiles

That's great that you are taking such good care of a disabled gecko! I always feel so bad for the geckos who have terrible owners... and it's a good thing that your son has some experience with reptiles before trying a beardie
"I'm just me trying to be me as best as I can." - Alex Fierro
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Old 05-07-18, 06:15 PM   #6
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Re: New to Reptiles

I just have a feeling after a few months the Beardie will end up being made
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Old 05-07-18, 06:16 PM   #7
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Re: New to Reptiles

Will end up being mine rather.
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Old 05-07-18, 07:37 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar-2018
Location: Ocala, Florida
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Re: New to Reptiles

lol that could definitely happen, I've read other forum threads of parents basically posting how they now do everything for the reptile XD
"I'm just me trying to be me as best as I can." - Alex Fierro
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