Re: California Kingsnake - Ready for Fuzzy?
That tiny kingsnake head is deceiving. My Brooks king easily eats mice that I would have sworn wouldn't fit in his mouth. If you are unsure about the fuzzies, just pick the smallest ones initially. The only time my guy has had a problem switching to larger prey was from fuzzies to hoppers. He had to work a bit to get the first hopper down. Being my first snake, that concerned me a bit. For the next few feedings I picked the smallest hoppers, which made it easy. (There wasn't a big difference in size, just enough to ease my mind a bit.) He had no problem after the first hopper. Just switched from hoppers to adult mice. The first adult went down smooth despite it looking far too big for his head.
Just think. If we could eat things of comparable head to food size ratio, we'd be swallowing watermelons whole.