BoaWoman Caramel: T+ albino strain (has tyrosinase but produces less melanin pigments thus can produce reds, browns, and grays). Reduced/absence of black pigment, generally replaced with shades of brown
CA T+: T+ albino strain (has tyrosinase but produces less melanin pigments thus can produce reds, browns, and grays). Because this is a central american boa morph it produces oranges and reds.
Anery Type 1: No red pigment. Type 1 anery is seen in columbian boas, it tends to yellow out with age and is less intense than type 2.
Square Tail: Thin connected saddle pattern similar to that of the Arabesque and a square blocked tail pattern. Base coloration can vary from light pastel to a deep orange colored pastel.
Striped: Stripe runs from the back of the head down the dorsal area and into the tail.
Anery Type 2: No red pigments. Type 2 is seen in central american boas and is more intense and does not reduce intensity with age.
Leopard: Morph is only seen in central american boas, this morph tends to stay smaller.
Blood: Morph only seen in central american boas, tends to stay smaller. Red when born, tends to brown out with age.