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Old 05-28-17, 01:19 PM   #1
Join Date: May-2016
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Age: 52
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Snakes in the sun

I took a few picks of my snakes out in the Sun today,
First of all my red pastel hypo then my Nicaraguan who's two next month
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File Type: jpg IMG_2090.JPG (96.9 KB, 46 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_2092.JPG (90.8 KB, 46 views)
0.1 Common het Kahl BCI,,0.1 red pastel hypo het albino bci,0.1 kahl sunglow bci, 1.1 boa longicauda het "Zero",1.0 motley het kahl bci,0.1hypo img,1.0 hypo harlequin het vpi t+, 1.2 hypo 100%het albino and 100% het berry blood, 1.0 guyana bcc,1.0 hypo jungle het blood&het albino,1.0 albino motley0.1 sunglow motley,1.1 mandarinbelly leopard
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Old 05-28-17, 01:23 PM   #2
Join Date: May-2016
Location: Derby
Age: 52
Posts: 639
Re: Snakes in the sun

Now my hypo img called medusa she's starting to settle a little now,still doesn't like the camera and is quite viv defensive she also hates to hold onto you when I've got her out, then lastly Carlos my 7yr old kahl albino
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File Type: jpg IMG_2101.JPG (113.6 KB, 45 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_2102.JPG (101.7 KB, 45 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_2104.JPG (135.4 KB, 45 views)
0.1 Common het Kahl BCI,,0.1 red pastel hypo het albino bci,0.1 kahl sunglow bci, 1.1 boa longicauda het "Zero",1.0 motley het kahl bci,0.1hypo img,1.0 hypo harlequin het vpi t+, 1.2 hypo 100%het albino and 100% het berry blood, 1.0 guyana bcc,1.0 hypo jungle het blood&het albino,1.0 albino motley0.1 sunglow motley,1.1 mandarinbelly leopard
richardhind is offline  
Old 05-28-17, 01:31 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec-2015
Posts: 2,203
Re: Snakes in the sun

Nice. I need to get my larger two snakes out whilst the weather is nice. Not taking the younger ones as a) don't want to stress them and b) don't want to lose them!
0.1 B imperator, 1.0 M spilota harrisoni, 1.0 C hortulanus, 2.1 P reticulatus (Madu locality), 1.1 S amethystine, 1.1 L olivaceous, 1.0 C angulifer, 1.0 Z persicus, 0.1 P regius, 0.1 N natrix, 0.1 E climacophora, 1.0 P obsoletus, 0.1 L geluta nigrtia, 1.0 P catenifer sayi, 1.0 T lepidus
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Old 05-28-17, 02:12 PM   #4
Join Date: May-2016
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Age: 52
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Re: Snakes in the sun

Thanks Danny ,Luckily the younger ones are really relaxed,the newest my img is still a bit skittish and jumpy around sudden movements,but she getting there, it's surprising how fast they can be ,lol
0.1 Common het Kahl BCI,,0.1 red pastel hypo het albino bci,0.1 kahl sunglow bci, 1.1 boa longicauda het "Zero",1.0 motley het kahl bci,0.1hypo img,1.0 hypo harlequin het vpi t+, 1.2 hypo 100%het albino and 100% het berry blood, 1.0 guyana bcc,1.0 hypo jungle het blood&het albino,1.0 albino motley0.1 sunglow motley,1.1 mandarinbelly leopard
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Old 05-28-17, 05:20 PM   #5
dave himself
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Re: Snakes in the sun

Very nice Richard, that albino steals the show
I've gazed at the stars too fondly
To be afraid of the night
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Old 05-28-17, 08:30 PM   #6
Join Date: Nov-2013
Posts: 560
Re: Snakes in the sun

Wish I could but the less certain crazy neighbors know I have the better.
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Old 05-28-17, 11:45 PM   #7
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Re: Snakes in the sun

Wow... Very nice snake porn... You have a nice collection...
George- 1.0 Purple Albino Reticulated Python... Cornella- 0.1 Pink Phase Corn Snake?
Moe- 1.0 Jungle Carpet Python... Fred- 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake...
Crystal- 0.1 Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python... A cross between a Mojave to Lesser...
Leon- 1.0 Lemon Ball, aka Russo Het White Diamond Ball Python... Crystal's boyfriend...
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Old 05-29-17, 03:20 AM   #8
Join Date: May-2016
Location: Derby
Age: 52
Posts: 639
Re: Snakes in the sun

Thanks everyone,I'm lucky none of my neighbours can see in my garden unless they at the window with binoculars,lol
Most of my others where in shed ,so hopefully get some if the sun decides to come back
0.1 Common het Kahl BCI,,0.1 red pastel hypo het albino bci,0.1 kahl sunglow bci, 1.1 boa longicauda het "Zero",1.0 motley het kahl bci,0.1hypo img,1.0 hypo harlequin het vpi t+, 1.2 hypo 100%het albino and 100% het berry blood, 1.0 guyana bcc,1.0 hypo jungle het blood&het albino,1.0 albino motley0.1 sunglow motley,1.1 mandarinbelly leopard
richardhind is offline  
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