Hi guys
I've reserved a snake at a reptile shop that I went to see over the weekend and I'm going to pick him up on Friday! I'm really excited but I just want to make sure I have everything for his enclosure. He's a baby and I will be housing him in a 2ft viv for a couple of years.
This is a list of items I have, can you guys recommend anything I may have forgotten or do you think I'm all set?:
Swell Thermostat
Habistat Heat Mat
Swell Dial Thermometer x 2 (one for cool end & one for warm end)
White Python Digital Thermometer Hygrometer
Swell Premium Aspen Bedding
Komodo Feeding Tongs Plastic
Exo Terra Water Dish (Small)
Komodo Spilt Philodendron Plant 40cm
Exo Terra Abuliton Plant
Swell Coconut Hide
Exo Terra Reptile Cave (Medium)
Exo Terra Forest Branch Medium
Exo Terra Cholla Skeleton Small
Thanks everyone