Originally Posted by EL Ziggy
@ Frank- The majority of us feed our snakes inside their enclosures. It's less stressful for the snake and for you. I have 8 snakes and they are all fed in their enclosures and have been since they were hatchlings. There are some keepres and care sheets that speak of snakes becoming aggressive or worry about substrate ingestion but I've never had any of those issues.
I too think it's a good idea to feed them in their enclosure. Some of mine get fed in feeding tubs, but there are specific reasons (co-habitating babies, mite treated tank, poop to clean in the tank, etc). None of them show aggression in their tanks on non-feeding days. Some will talk about hook training to try and avoid aggression towards food, but I think you're good with your BP.
One thing to note, once you start handling, don't stop. A very well trained, docile snake that is handled frequently, can turn into a completely different snake after 2 weeks of no touch.
Another thing to note.... make your presence known when you are doing stuff in their cage. Touch them slowly so they know it's you in there. Be cautious when they are in their hide too.
Keep a spray bottle with water handy by the tank too, just in case of a bite. They don't want to bite the big human that they can't eat or successfully kill, but if they feel threatened, they will. Don't be that threat (I was that threat with my male retic. It didn't end well for me). And try not to jerk away if you get bit.
Just love them. they know when they're being cared for.