Haven't been around much (need to update my signature thing...) but I've been keeping busy with my reptiles.
Newest addition that I'm really excited about is a Savannah monitor. He's being shipped to a friend Thursday and I'm picking him up Friday. Friend already has a sav and has a temp enclosure set up for my little guy.
I'm going to try to keep this thread up to date but we'll see how that goes!
Planning on building him a 10' x 4' x 5' cage but that may change slightly. It will definitely be 10 feet long, minimum 4 feet wide. Just unsure how tall I want it. Benefit of owning my own house is I can do whatever I want. It'll be in the basement as I'm unsure if my main floor could support the massive amount of soil.
I've got insects already breeding away for food. Considering getting some aquatic snails to breed as snacks but I'm unsure. I will be doing more research on that front before getting them.
Guy renting a room from me (well more than just a guy, we're good friends) has had Savs before so he's been someone I've been bouncing ideas off of. It's nice to have someone I can ask at any time. He's already directed me to Infernalis' site to make sure I'm getting good info.
The adult enclosure will be built ASAP. I intend on finalizing my plans within the next week and building it in the next month or so. I stupidly thought that Savs were similar to snakes in that they would be stressed in a huge enclosure right away. My little dude will be kept in a smaller enclosure for the first month or so (probably, maybe less) just while I build his proper cage. Also partially to make sure everything is good with him health wise.
Aside from the caging mistake I think I'm on the right path. Any and all advice is welcome though. I plan on taking a hands off approach to getting him used to me. No forced handling whatsoever.