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Old 08-15-16, 05:17 PM   #1
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Constipated gopher snake....

Hey guys/gals,

Some of you might remeber I've been having a bit of trouble getting my hatchling gopher snake Lupin to take meals. At first I assumed it was just him going off feed for whatever reason. But at this point he hasn't eaten for 5 weeks and I started to look around for other causes. He defecated last week, a very small amount of feces and urate and I wondered where the heck it came from. Turns out constipation is what it's looking like since he's gone off food and lethargic. Luckily enough he's a snow and fairly transparent. I can see a few different black blotches in his body. One large one (1/2" or so) about mid body and 3-4 scattered blotches towards the base of his tail.

I've given him over the past two days a couple warm water soaks in a tub to try to loosen up the stool. As well as lightly run my thumb and finger down his body to more or less push the blotches towards his pooper to no avail.

I assume he's just dehydrated despite keeping him exactly like my other gophers with ambient of 75 and a hot spot of around 85. For the time being I've loaded up his hide with damp spaghnum moss, which he seems to love but I'm unsure what else I can be doing at this point short of bringing him to a vet. He's about 30 grams and I fear a surgery might be too much for the little guy, if even possibly to work on a snake this small.

Interested if yall have some tips I might try before seeking out a vet. All the best.

Semper Fi,
Derek G
0.1 Western Hognose (Estella) ~ 1.0 ? Rat (Salt) ~ 0.1 Albino San Diego Gopher (Bellatrix) ~
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Old 08-15-16, 05:32 PM   #2
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

The mid-body one might be his heart, the rest might also be organs, it's hard to tell. I know I used to be worried of the same things in my albino checkered, but came to realize they were just organs as they never moved.

If he pooped, it's highly doubtful he's constipated. Is he lethargic as in he's hiding, or lethargic as in he barely moves when you hold him and can't maintain a grip?
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Old 08-15-16, 06:34 PM   #3
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

Thanks BSG, good to know it might be organs. He's lethargic in the sense that he doesn't move around alot, he seems a little weak strength wise, but most of my snakes have been at his size.

My other gophers will peek out and are fairly active during the day, however he's pretty shy (understandable for his size), and mostly sticks to his burrows.
0.1 Western Hognose (Estella) ~ 1.0 ? Rat (Salt) ~ 0.1 Albino San Diego Gopher (Bellatrix) ~
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Old 08-15-16, 07:33 PM   #4
EL Ziggy
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

I'm sorry to hear your guy isn't eating Humble. Your temps are spot on. I'm with BSG it doesn't sound like he's constipated. What are you feeding him? If he won't take f/t have you tried live? At 30g he shouldn't be missing many meals. Best wishes and keep us posted.
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Old 08-15-16, 07:59 PM   #5
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

If he's just hiding, he could still be a bit shy, especially if you just got him. Double check your husbandry and try offering some more hiding spots or moving his enclosure altogether if it's in a high traffic area. Like Ziggy said, seems weird he's missing meals so young, something's probably off.
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Old 08-16-16, 03:54 AM   #6
dave himself
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

Also mate and please don't pick me up wrong here with think I'm being cheeky but he could be slightly stressed what with the baths and you being worried about him and handing him I've done it myself. I would try just leaving him be apart from just checking on him for spot cleans, water changes and offering him food with absolutely no handling, for at least a couple of weeks to see if he settles in. Its just a thought mate. That's if he's just acting more shy than your used to
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Old 08-16-16, 04:49 PM   #7
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

Originally Posted by EL Ziggy View Post
I'm sorry to hear your guy isn't eating Humble. Your temps are spot on. I'm with BSG it doesn't sound like he's constipated. What are you feeding him? If he won't take f/t have you tried live? At 30g he shouldn't be missing many meals. Best wishes and keep us posted.
I haven't tried live yet Ziggy but I've been considering it. He has taken F/T sporadically. I usually have to leave it in his cage, only once taken it from tongs and just spit it out and ate it later. Right now he's on 3-4 gram mouse pinks.

Originally Posted by bigsnakegirl785 View Post
If he's just hiding, he could still be a bit shy, especially if you just got him. Double check your husbandry and try offering some more hiding spots or moving his enclosure altogether if it's in a high traffic area. Like Ziggy said, seems weird he's missing meals so young, something's probably off.
I'll throw some more cover in there for sure. He's in a fairly low traffic area, and has been shy like this since I got the him.

Originally Posted by dave himself View Post
Also mate and please don't pick me up wrong here with think I'm being cheeky but he could be slightly stressed what with the baths and you being worried about him and handing him I've done it myself. I would try just leaving him be apart from just checking on him for spot cleans, water changes and offering him food with absolutely no handling, for at least a couple of weeks to see if he settles in. Its just a thought mate. That's if he's just acting more shy than your used to
Not at all Dave, in a world full of panty waists afraid of getting their feelings hurt I find blunt honesty refreshing. I would absolutely agree with you and offer the same advice myself but I've been pretty hands off with this snake since I got him in March. The two soaks have been about as much handling as he's gotten since I acquired the little guy. He hasn't lost any weight so I'm not hugely concerned, but in doing some research it seems untreated constipation can kill a snake...while other folks don't think it's a big deal.

Tricky situation ...tonight is feeding so we'll see what happens. I've given him the last two weeks off without offering any meals,I will keep you guys updated
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Old 08-16-16, 05:23 PM   #8
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

The heart is located in the first third of the body, so that isn't what is being described here since we are talkin mid body. Most likely organs. If they are constipated, they usually really look it at that size and sometimes with urates you can feel it. I'm not confident that is what's going on.

Quite unlike the reputation of pits in general, some young gophers can actually be quite infrequent when it comes to feeding. That's how you get those adults that top out at 3.5 feet.

Other than adding that info, you've already gotten some good ideas here. Hope he eats for you soon.
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Old 08-16-16, 11:27 PM   #9
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

He finally ate. Had to bop the pink on his nose a few times before he attacked, spit it out and looks like he ate it a little later. I'm going to keep a closer eye on this little fella for awhile. Thanks again guys for the input.
0.1 Western Hognose (Estella) ~ 1.0 ? Rat (Salt) ~ 0.1 Albino San Diego Gopher (Bellatrix) ~
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Old 08-17-16, 01:15 AM   #10
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

Glad he ate! Hope he keeps it up.
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Old 08-17-16, 01:25 AM   #11
dave himself
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Re: Constipated gopher snake....

Originally Posted by Humble308 View Post
He finally ate. Had to bop the pink on his nose a few times before he attacked, spit it out and looks like he ate it a little later. I'm going to keep a closer eye on this little fella for awhile. Thanks again guys for the input.
Glad to see he ate for you mate and my advice sucked under the circumstances . Let's hope that's this is is the start of him starting to eat for you regularly mate fingers and toes crossed for you, keep us posted
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