Originally Posted by barotar
Hello! I'm new to this forum and new to boas, but not new to snakes in general. I'm interested in Tarahumara mountain boas and have found one I'm interested in purchasing, it is coming from a reputable breeder. I am going to be speaking with him later today and will certainly ask him these questions as well, but in the mean time thought I'd ask here, too.
I'm finding lots of good info on where these snakes are from and all, but very little on their husbandry. More specifically, temperatures. I've been reading that they are more tolerant of cooler temps. How cool is cool? Will it be comfortable at room temp (71-73) as long as he has a hot spot with heat tape (on a thermostat and checked with a heat gun)? Or is that too cool? What does that actual hot spot need to be?
Also, I've been reading that they are fed more slowly than other snakes. How slow is slow? Once every two weeks? Longer?
Thank you for any advice. I really appreciate it!
I have my 9-10 month old in a 41 qt tub. My room temps are similar to yours. I have a gradient of 75 on cool side to 85 on warm side with a 90F hot spot underneath the substrate on the tub measured with a heat gun. Night temps drop about 5 degrees on the warm side and only a few degrees on cool side. His cool side hide remains 74-76 24 hours a day.
Humidity is kept between 50-65% and I spike it to 65-75% when he is in shed. I spike it with tape over the holes that I drilled into my tub. I have about 40ish holes and each hole gives me an additional %age or so of humidity.
I use aspen shavings, some people use newspaper, paper towels, sani chips, etc. I have 2 hides, and a water bowl that he can coil up in if he wanted although he never does. You can feed him every 10-14 days or so, my breeder had him on 7-9 day cycles but I decided to slow that down a tad so he grows more slowly (and healthily too).
I've only had mine a few short weeks but he is very adventurous and warmed up to me very quickly. Attached a few pics for you.