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Old 05-01-16, 11:32 AM   #1
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Field Herping 2016

I haven't done any serious trips yet this year, but I've gone out to a couple of spots near my home. My daughter and I have made a few cool finds. Nothing rare, but always fun anyway.

Sceloporus undulatus

Some sort of wolf spider

Thamnophis sirtalis #1

Thamnophis sirtalis #2

Thamnophis sirtalis #3

Deer mice (snake food)

Nerodia sipedon pleuralis (juvenile)

Lampropeltis getula nigra #1
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 05-01-16, 11:32 AM   #2
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Re: Field Herping 2016

Lampropeltis getula nigra #2
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 05-08-16, 03:41 PM   #3
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Re: Field Herping 2016

We took a family walk on some Land Trust property today. We weren't herping, and all I had was my phone for a camera. But, we came across a couple of cantankerous Eastern Rat Snakes (Pantherophis alleghaniensis).

“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 05-08-16, 08:49 PM   #4
Albert Clark
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Re: Field Herping 2016

Terrific! And the photos are great. Digging the t.s.sirtalis. Thanks for sharing.
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Old 05-08-16, 09:22 PM   #5
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Re: Field Herping 2016

Awesome pics!
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Old 05-09-16, 07:04 AM   #6
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Re: Field Herping 2016

Thanks, Albert, and Snoopy. I'm hoping to so some more serious herping soon and hopefully find some species that are a little more rare.
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 05-09-16, 08:21 AM   #7
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Re: Field Herping 2016

Or, I guess those rat snakes are P. spiloides. I'm still fuzzy on what's what with the rat snake designations.
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 05-09-16, 03:09 PM   #8
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Re: Field Herping 2016

Beauties they are, thanks for sharing
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Old 05-26-16, 12:21 PM   #9
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Re: Field Herping 2016

My daughter and I spend a large part of last Saturday herping. We didn't have much luck, other than a few lizards and one Nerodia erythrogaster that slipped off a bank and into the water before I could get a photo.

But, here's a couple of friendly skinks. I assume they're common five-line skinks.

“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 05-26-16, 10:00 PM   #10
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Re: Field Herping 2016

Hahaha that's too cute. Feisty little guy
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Old 05-28-16, 08:42 AM   #11
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Re: Field Herping 2016

I had an hour of free time this morning. Unfortunately, it was cloudy with occasional sprinkles. I didn't find any snakes, but the turtles were out and about.

Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina)

Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina)

“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 05-30-16, 11:09 AM   #12
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Re: Field Herping 2016

I haven't had a lot of luck lately. But, here's a few recent finds. Turtles are out everywhere, laying eggs, I guess.

Southern painted turtle

Yellow bellied water snake

Midland rat snake

Green frog

“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 05-30-16, 05:50 PM   #13
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Re: Field Herping 2016

I put the wrong ID on that frog. It's actually a bullfrog.
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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