It could probably house pair, keep in mind they need about a foot of substrate so the actual height would be closer to 3 feet, Looking back I think I should have gotten an ackie over my peacock monitor :P Check out Even tohugh it is written about savs it works for any species of monitors. Here my run down of ackie care
5Lx2.5Wx5H feet enclosure
about a foot of sandy bioactive substrate (play sand mixed with soil from outside)
60-90% relative humidity, in their burrows it should be closer to 90% in the visible part of the enclosure more like 60%
Basking spot of 120-160 f, I recently saw my monitor basking @ 170 f
ambient should range from mid 70's to mid 90's (cool end 70'sand warm end 90's)
You should provide enough visual cover so that it can move form one end of the cage to the other end without being seen.
Taming should be strictly hands off, would you tame a wildcat by just grabbing it or putting it in a bucket of water, no that just creates a negative relationship and eventually the animal will let you handle it because it just gives up
( some taming methods shock me :P) (
By hands off I mean sitting by the cage and letting it get used to you, putting your hand next to it and letting interact with you if it wants, and of course build a positive relationship by tong feeding.
Food should 50% insects (dubias, hissing roaches, crickets, and various worms) 25% mice/rats and another 25% variety, egg, other reptiles, birds, etc, (egg should be fed in moderation and it also should be fertile)
I hope this helps if you have any other question please ask