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Old 02-22-03, 01:57 PM   #1
Mr Maggot
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BCO Soaking

My Argentine never soaks in her water bowl. I have watched her drink very often, and she has no problems shedding. Is it normal for a BCO to not soak; i've heard too much soaking is bad and that its a sign of stress, but how about not enough? Her water bowl is big enough for her to go into.
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Old 02-22-03, 02:15 PM   #2
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from what i have seen snakes dont soak. i have never seen any snake just get into it's bowl and soak. though most caresheets i read say to get a bowl big enough for it to soak becuase they do that. im confused too.
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Old 02-22-03, 02:35 PM   #3
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Don't worry if you never catch your snake soaking. It's not like you can watch them 24/7 all year. Just because they don't do it when you are around doesn't mean they don't do it. Alot of snakes never soak but it's good for them to have the option to soak when they need to. Also certain snakes will need to soak more or less then other snakes depending on the enviroment. It's also a good way for them to cool down.
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Old 02-25-03, 10:22 AM   #4
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For the most part, healthy snakes in proper setups don't frequently soak (with the exception of swamp snakes such as anacondas, bloods, brb's, etc). Some snakes will soak when they are approaching a shed, though I find many do not. Some reasons that a snake may soak are to ease the discomfort/drown mites, cool down, hide (if there are no other places to do so), or if humidity is too low. I would take it as a good sign that your Argie isn't soaking, this just means he has all his needs met and is comfortable
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Old 02-25-03, 09:41 PM   #5
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In the two weeks that I have owned my BCI, I have seen her soaking 4 times already!
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Last edited by Fimpster; 02-25-03 at 10:23 PM..
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Old 02-26-03, 11:05 AM   #6
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my female guyana is soaking right now but her humidity and temps are up to standards...i guess you realy wouldn't know why snakes soak or don't soak unless they could speak and tell you ...lollol but i guess i would have to agree with Linds that they do soak sometimes b4 shedding , accualy mine is due for a shed any day hmmm.. i guess thats probably why mine is sheding some times i feel so smart S.M.R.T.

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Old 02-26-03, 12:00 PM   #7
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I caught my male BCI TITAN soaking in one time. But only half of his body was in.
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