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Old 01-10-16, 12:42 AM   #1
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Scale conditioner?

I heard someone using 'scale conditioner' on their snake as a relaxing massage that helps a snake mellow out and says they use it as a bonding method. I don't know the name of any scale conditioners so I'm asking here what others use.
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Old 01-10-16, 01:31 AM   #2
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Uhhhh sorry I can't tell if your joking....this has to be a joke right? Scale conditioner, relaxing massage. This is a snake. Make sure the temps are right, cage is big enough. And secure. Feed it once every 7-10 days and handle in between. That's what calls them down
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Old 01-10-16, 11:36 AM   #3
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Re: Scale conditioner?

This is not a thing.
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Old 01-10-16, 01:13 PM   #4
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Re: Scale conditioner?

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Old 01-10-16, 02:16 PM   #5
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Re: Scale conditioner?

I'm going to wait patiently for an explanation.

But no. There should not be any such thing. If you want to 'mellow out' your animals try leaving them alone.
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Old 01-10-16, 02:20 PM   #6
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Oh jeez this makes me cringe, they should not be putting anything on the snake and "massaging" it but since they are i hope whatever they are putting on the snake isn't harmful and free of fragrances, toxic ingredients etc
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Old 01-10-16, 02:23 PM   #7
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Hi, it`s CLEARLY a fake!!! I myself do use a scale polish, you need to apply a small amount to each individual scale, buff up with a soft, lint free cloth, I can assure you all that by the time you`ve finished both the snake and yourself will be fast asleep, it`s soooooo relaxing.... I must make it clear that I wouldn`t joke about a thing like this, honest I wouldn`t, honest....
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Old 01-10-16, 02:33 PM   #8
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Originally Posted by murrindindi View Post
Hi, it`s CLEARLY a fake!!! I myself do use a scale polish, you need to apply a small amount to each individual scale, buff up with a soft, lint free cloth, I can assure you all that by the time you`ve finished both the snake and yourself will be fast asleep, it`s soooooo relaxing.... I must make it clear that I wouldn`t joke about a thing like this, honest I wouldn`t, honest....
Mineral oil cocktail? Hell ya!
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Old 01-10-16, 02:34 PM   #9
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Re: Scale conditioner?

I looked into it a little to see what you were talking about, and all I found was an alleged product used to help a snake shed, although no actual link to it. If a snake doesn't already trust you, I'm fairly certain that rubbing a cold cream around its scales isn't going to help. You've got many years with this animal ahead of you, so relax and just give the animal some time. Try socializing with it on its pace, just taking slow baby steps to get it to come around. No massage or fancy product can replicate that quite as well. So good luck with your snake
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Old 01-10-16, 02:36 PM   #10
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Originally Posted by Tiny Boidae View Post
I looked into it a little to see what you were talking about, and all I found was an alleged product used to help a snake shed, although no actual link to it. If a snake doesn't already trust you, I'm fairly certain that rubbing a cold cream around its scales isn't going to help. You've got many years with this animal ahead of you, so relax and just give the animal some time. Try socializing with it on its pace, just taking slow baby steps to get it to come around. No massage or fancy product can replicate that quite as well. So good luck with your snake
You're talking about shedeze or whatever. That stuff is malarkey too
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Old 01-10-16, 03:50 PM   #11
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Originally Posted by lady_bug87 View Post
You're talking about shedeze or whatever. That stuff is malarkey too
Shed Ease is pretty lame; it's just an aloe vera and salt solution with some preservatives. Might be okay as a soothing ointment for mostly healed burns or something, but as a shedding aid won't really do anything.

A similar product from Zoo Med called "Repti Shedding Aid" is much better formulated and comes in a spray form rather than a soak. It's quite effective at softening the skin, and works wonders at removing stuck shed. However, a simple soak in water is nearly as effective

That aside, I'd think a massage with the stuff would just cause more stress rather than relaxation. As lady_bug noted, the best way to get a snake to relax and de-stress is to leave them alone.
0.1 tangerine albino honduran milksnake /// 0.1 snow southern pinesnake /// 0.1 black pinesnake /// 1.0 "hypo" north Mexican pinesnake (jani) /// 1.0 cincuate pinesnake (lineaticollis) /// 1.1 red striped gargoyle geckos /// 0.1 kitty cat /// 2.6.12 tarantulas(assorted species)
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Old 01-10-16, 04:36 PM   #12
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Re: Scale conditioner?

My BP has no trust issues whatsoever and hasn't even hissed.

I'm still upset I let the wild cornsnake wander away. I need another snake to empty the gap now and buying a cornsnake at the store won't do it for me...
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Old 01-10-16, 08:50 PM   #13
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Originally Posted by Arachnaeoccult View Post
My BP has no trust issues whatsoever and hasn't even hissed.

I'm still upset I let the wild cornsnake wander away. I need another snake to empty the gap now and buying a cornsnake at the store won't do it for me...
wait... what? Why is a captive bred corn worse than a wc
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Old 01-10-16, 09:05 PM   #14
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Originally Posted by sirtalis View Post
wait... what? Why is a captive bred corn worse than a wc
I think it's more of him saying that a new corn won't replace the one he lost... On the more emotional side of things.

If you buy a new snake looking to fill the gap of an animal you lost, then you're probably going to end up disappointed and with an animal you don't necessarily want, and that's not fair to the new snake. You did the right thing, the corn belongs in the wild where it was born and that's where it needs to stay, but I understand it can hurt when you get attached to these animals (albeit it's a one-sided relationship, which might help a little in knowing you caused him/her no emotional pain). Just give it some time and if you think you want another corn (a captive bred corn), not to replace Mars but to be an independent entity in your life, then that's why and when you should get another
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Old 01-12-16, 12:37 PM   #15
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Re: Scale conditioner?

Originally Posted by Tiny Boidae View Post
I think it's more of him saying that a new corn won't replace the one he lost... On the more emotional side of things.

If you buy a new snake looking to fill the gap of an animal you lost, then you're probably going to end up disappointed and with an animal you don't necessarily want, and that's not fair to the new snake. You did the right thing, the corn belongs in the wild where it was born and that's where it needs to stay, but I understand it can hurt when you get attached to these animals (albeit it's a one-sided relationship, which might help a little in knowing you caused him/her no emotional pain). Just give it some time and if you think you want another corn (a captive bred corn), not to replace Mars but to be an independent entity in your life, then that's why and when you should get another
I'm thinking about a gray one.

In the summer since the humidity in the room SKYROCKETS and this is florida I'm not sure that I'll need to immediately buy heaters (of which I have 2 extras already and using 1 to warm up my forest scorpion). Knowing how florida works Summer should start in Spring.

The problem I see in the long run is my options for species are slim. I dropped out of community college due to anxiety issues and being on disability I receive a check that gives me enough to pay rent, enough to buy things I want/need and than be broke all month. I usually smoke it all, but most months I make sure to dedicate 50-75 dollars to buying things I want whether its stuff off amazon or something I need for my animals. Its not an issue to support the many animals I have. My tarantulas probably cost me an entire 10 dollars a year each, and I could buy a years worth of frozen rats for Mary Jane. My problem with being a dedicated exotics owner is that I can't afford the pricey 300-500 dollar snakes that are so pretty. Thats why I work around as much complex enclosure setup as I can. When I feel the need I DO buy bedding, hides, heaters etc. I get a set amount of money a month and unless I want complete misery and boredom, I don't make enough to 'save'. I just have the assurance that SSI is cyclical and eternal.

I'm trying to start working (through EmployU agency) because this isn't big boy money to me anymore. I'm only 21 and when people condemn me for 'being a leech' I just feel sorry for the fact that they would quit their jobs and become a social security slug in a heartbeat just because its 'free'. I'm the opposite, I want to get out of this SSI curse thats destroyed my self esteem and limited everything from socialization to actually being financially secure. Its not security its a prison that keeps bills payed and thats it. 720 a month plus some food stamps is a joke in the real world. The only way I can fathom getting all my precious children together is by knowing a breeder. I at least live alone in my own efficiency and keep it clean and aesthetically pleasing which is more than most 21 year olds can say.

I can pay 100, I can bay 120, sometimes 150, for something I want or need, but beyond that I'm impoverished.

Last edited by Arachnaeoccult; 01-12-16 at 12:56 PM..
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